I think these are awesome. I know better than to complain about the lack of KakaYama from you. I'm so happy just to see any art, because I really do love your stuff. I know that if ever I need to tempt you back to the dark side, I'll just leave porny little fic crumbs that lead all the way back to those two lovely jounin's bedrooms. kukuku. <3
However, I might bug you about working on some Gintama. There ain't no drama there, so where's the Gin porn? ^__^
I feel bad because the fandom has gone back to being dead silent again, pretty much. It feels like... by not spamming the internet with KakaYama I have somehow forsaken my fangirly duties!
Ah, it's mostly my recent art block that's kept me from doing much Gintama fanart. I've been wanting to draw some GinHiji but the ideas just aren't there. :T Oh, I did just draw Ito for gintama30, though!
Oooh! Pretty! I have no clue who thoes people are(so sorry I haven't commented lately, life has been hectic. I'll try to comment more from now on)
You know what you should draw, if not KakaYama? You should draw Prussia/Austria/Hungary. (mostly because on a character quiz I scored Hungary, and my bf scored both Prussia and Austria)[/loljk]
lol no worries about comments, it's not like my posts have had much to comment on lately, anyway. :T Twitter and Tumblr are a lot easier to use so poor LJ has been ignored.
s-sob the only one of those three I am comfortable drawing is Prussia anyway, haha
Comments 7
However, I might bug you about working on some Gintama. There ain't no drama there, so where's the Gin porn? ^__^
Ah, it's mostly my recent art block that's kept me from doing much Gintama fanart. I've been wanting to draw some GinHiji but the ideas just aren't there. :T Oh, I did just draw Ito for gintama30, though!
Speaking of, I wrote some KakaYama PWP just for you. http://thatreevesgirl.livejournal.com/138299.html is where you can find it.
Good luck with the art block. I know how that goes. It is darn hard stuff to shake
It's weird, I have been paying no attention to hetalia stuff at all but every now and then I get an urge to do fanarts.
You know what you should draw, if not KakaYama? You should draw Prussia/Austria/Hungary. (mostly because on a character quiz I scored Hungary, and my bf scored both Prussia and Austria)[/loljk]
s-sob the only one of those three I am comfortable drawing is Prussia anyway, haha
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