Title: Summer Rain
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Rikku
Prompt: 033: Rain
Word Count: 709
Rating: PG
Summary: Rikku and Gippal spend an evening out in the rain.
Author's Notes: Takes place after FFX-2. Review please!
A/N: This is third of my Rikku challenge at the fanfic100 community on LiveJournal.
This short piece is an episode of a relationship between Gippal and Rikku after the events of Final Fantasy X-2.
The prompt for this story is Rain. Enjoy, and review when you’re done reading!
Again, thank you to my reviewers, I’m glad you enjoy this.
Summer Rain
His arms were draped gently around her hips as they swayed back and forth to the soft ballad. His chin rest on her shoulder while his eyes gazed out across the dark horizon.
"It’s going to rain."
She nodded, humming quietly to the song. "Maybe we should go inside."
She put her dainty hands on top of his, gently tracing his fingers with her own. They were rough, but not too dry. She sighed happily, soaking in the warmth of the summery evening. Her eyes closed, and she tilted her head against his.
"It’s nice out here, just the two of us."
"Mmmhmm." She opened her eyes again, watching the dark clouds continue their journey east.
He played with her belt loops, chuckling quietly. "Do you think your cousin is looking for us?"
She gave one short laugh. Her cousin, Yuna, was the savior of the world, twice. She had also been recently reunited with her long lost love. She knew she was the last thing on her cousin’s mind.
"Didn’t think so."
The music changed to a fast upbeat song. The couple had been at a local club with Yuna and Tidus. They’d gotten warm, and stepped outside for a few minutes. Minutes had turned into at least an hour, she noted silently, as it was finally beginning to sprinkle.
It was soft at first. Occasional pea-sized drops would fall on the sidewalk or her skin. A warm summer rain, she thought, sinking deeper into his arms.
"You okay?"
She had a fear of storms, especially lightning. Well, she used to anyway. A few nights out on the Thunder Plains had helped cure it, but she couldn’t help but flinch once in a while.
"Yeah. It’s just a little rain."
He pulled her a little closer, gently tickling her stomach with his fingers.
"We’re going to get wet."
She grinned. The rain was falling a little faster and a little harder as each minute passed.
"That’s the idea behind rain, isn’t it?"
She took his hands in hers, and led him across the street to a grassy playground. The rain was now coming down at a steady pace. Her blonde hair was already quite wet, and fell uselessly around her shoulders. She giggled, looking up at her date. His blonde hair was falling into his eyes, impairing his vision.
She danced in a circle, swinging her arms to the beat of the shower. He laughed at her, but took her arms and joined her rainy dance. They both laughed, pulling each other closer with each movement.
She sang a silly melody: half song, half laughter. He tackled her to the ground, the sopping grass sticking to their skin as they rolled around like little kids. Nothing mattered: they just played in the rain, laughing as if they were the only ones in the world. The rain continued, pitter-pattering on the playground equipment.
They chased each other, running (and slipping) through the field. Finally she gave up, flopping onto the grass. Breathlessly, she closed her eyes. Raindrops trickled down her face. She felt him collapsed beside her, and she smiled.
The rain felt cool on her warm skin. She rolled over on her side, watching him catch his breath.
He opened an eye, gazing at her. She blushed, marveled at how they were always brought closer by simple things like rain.
Then he laughed.
He turned on his side, reaching over with his hand. He pulled a large leaf from her hair.
"You look ridiculous."
She growled, partially in aggravation, largely in mirth.
He kissed her, softly but quickly, on the lips, causing her jaw to drop in surprise.
"You look so cute when you’re angry."
She rolled her eyes, her lips forming an unintentional smile.
"Hey lovebirds!"
They sat up hurriedly, spotting the speaker. Her cousin (as well as Tidus) stood in the rain, giggling at the couple in the grass.
"We were about to leave without you!"
Smiling, he stood up, lending his hand to her. She took it, scrunching her nose in fake displeasure.
The sky was becoming dark with night, and the air was cooling. Arm in arm, the couple walked toward the others, laughing about their absurd appearances.