My output is back up! I shot 92 pictures today. That is 15.33~ times the number of pictures I took yesterday. I hope your modem has been keeping fit, I wouldn't want it to be winded by the stress of the 48 images that I have selected to give to you.
Casey is sexy.
You might recognize the skirt on Caroline's head.
Yeah, I finally got around to returning it.
Tyler (Mattson) doesn't like pictures to be taken of him.
Lauren does.
I ran into Jimmy on my way out of the PAC
Since when did news agency's drive sedans? Vans only people, that's the law.
The best "bell" tower. You will notice that instead of bells it has loudspeakers, which looks pretty odd on a brick building that is probably 80 years old. Speaking of old, Chico State just turned 120 this week. Hooray!
The Rose Garden.
The bell tower from another angle.
Oh so pretty roses. Too bad taking one is a crime. It's seriously punishable by like jail time or some sort of ridiculous fine. The school worked out some sort of special agreement with local law enforcement or something. I don't know how effective that is in stopping people. To me it makes it even more romantic to take one to give to your mate because of the risk involved.
I would still recomend against taking a rose, these statues are standing guard over the garden and if they ever see you trying to take a rose they will strike you dead where you stand ith beams of light from their eyes Neverending Story style.
Yeah. That's the one.
I think the bloom effects in Half Life 2 were better.
Don't you agree?
Stereotypical college post board thing.
Chico States continuing search for extraterrestrial life.
Looking down at the creek from a bridge.
Looking up at a bridge from the creek.
I liked how clear the water was in this one spot.
Let' head back towards the path...
...where I randomly ran into Art (left) and Alex (right). I really liked this picture because you can see me in Art's sunglasses.
I thought it was strange that there was a branch hanging down that just sort of disappeared into the leaf cover above. Seriously, what is it doing there?
Another bridge. But what is that writing on the wall there?
It's a bell pepper saying "LOL!" of course. Or Lok, whatever.
Ho ho ho who's this? Kinders? Kinders is tasty good times but what are they doing out here?
We who are about to become delicious salute you. I asked the guys what was going on and apparently they are catering some kind of alumni banquet. I wish I was an alumni.
The banquet was so huge that they needed like 30 garbage cans.
Chairs also.
Obligatory camera up against the chain link fence with background out of focus shot.
It's our post-apoclyptic wateland / cricket field.
Compost smells awesome!
Dirt + Old Socks = Vegetables!
Oh no, can't read the sticker from here! If only we had some kind of...
...optical zoom bitches! Seriously though, such a cool sticker.
Another train track picture, this time less blurry.
You really have to image the scene of whoever did all these things to the sign. Were they with their buddies? If so, what were they talking about?
Oh shit! What the fuck is going on?
Oh, it's just a squirrel. I somehow caught this squirrel off guard on accident and it tried to run up the tree, but it ended up losing it's grip half way and fell writing and grasping at the air back to the earth. It landed in some bushes and then it ran back up the tree. I snapped this picture during it's second ascent. Right after this picture was taken it jumped onto the bran you can see above it's head and then skittered out of sight.
I encountered the squirrel while walking up to take this picture. It's pretty creepy when you don't see the "If" at the beginning. With the "If" I suppose it's kind of sweet. This is another one of those things that I really want to know the context of how it was created.
Almost home, but I had to snap this shot of the coolest person in the world. I wasn't aware that Hollywood was in Florida.
Now that that person in the Hooters shorts are gone nothing stands in the way of me getting home. Especially not this tree. Wait, it's not a tree...'s a creepy demon face!
Or maybe it is a tree after all.
Just one highway between me and my computer so I can make this post.
Ho ho ho, who's this? It appears to be some more evidence of my continual campaign against cinder blocks.
They stand like tombstones, a warning to those ho would oppose me.
Suit up! Ross gets ready for his daily jog. You know Ross and I are cool guys because you can see the controllers of three separate game consoles in just this one picture.
And that is all the pictures for today. 92 may be a bit excessive. Tomorrow I might try to go somewhere I don't normally go instead of just taking pictures of the green room and campus.