Dec 04, 2008 19:52
FYI if you havent heard Zippy has been in the ICU for 10+ days and is in critical condition. After going with Kam to a late showing of Twilight he woke up puking and with severe abdominal pains, eventually they decided it wasnt just the flu or food poisioning and he next morning he went to the ER. He has severe pancretitis (infection/inflamation of the pancreas) which has led to a cascade of kidney's shutting down (he's on dialysis, there is conflicting information on if his kidney's will bounce back if every thing else clears up), he's on a breather (diminished lung capactiy) and is sedated because of it. They did surgery to clear up the blockage but the fever has been lingering and there is conflicting information about the state of his pancreas.
His parents got into town today (and those of you who know his "relationship" with them know how much fun that's thrown into the mix for all).
Tomorrow there is a meeting to try and get him transferred to Stanford and find 1. Intensivist (ICU dr. who deals with critical condition patients) 2. GI Dr. (to deal with gall bladder/pancreas/anything else) 3. Nephrologist (to deal with kidneys) as at this point Regional Medical staff has told folks "he should be fine this is a normal progression for pancretitis which is a bitch to get" "he's got 50/50 chances" "His CT scan is fine" (same CT scan)"Shows massive necrosis of the pancreas". At this point the plan is to get him a second opinion and to Stanford.
We will let folks know if there is anything they can do for him or Kam and try and keep folks updated as we hear stuff. (Name of above dr's at Stanford or who have privileges at Regional Medical Center of San Jose are on the current list of things we've put the word out for). I've put this up on LJ so you can point folks who know him or who ask about it to info.