[Trans] Kame Camera SPECIAL '6 Kamenashi Kazuya'

Jun 13, 2013 13:54

And here the very long special! Many highlights here... of course, I'd say xD
-Baseball love.
-His being an old-fashion man.
-His desire of "destroying himself" to be an actor with more possibilities.
-His being an animal a very erotic man.
-Aiming to be Johnny's sex symbol.
-The true Kamenashi.
.......6 highlights for 6 faces :)

Thanks scorch66 as always ^^

“Kame Camera” serial special

Multiplying, everyday!?

In the movie “It’s me, It’s me” he has played 33 roles alone; even in Maquia’s serial he shows us every month a multi-faceted face. But he says that all of those are a part inside of him. “The Real Kamenashi Kazuya” isn’t only one…

Face 1. Baseball Kamenashi.
The place I can become a hero.

Even now, whenever I face baseball, I naturally put on my real earnest fight face. When I was a kid, the first thing I said I wanted to do as my own will was baseball. After joining my hometown team I was completely absorbed by it every day. Even after coming back home I kept practicing alone, throwing the ball at the wall. Baseball is a team sport so it’s necessary to deny yourself, but everyone [in the team] can stand in the batter’s box. It’s fun that, upon yourself, you can become a hero. Even my dream for the future has always been becoming a baseball player, but……. I entered this world and I naturally left baseball behind. But it’s mysterious, isn’t it? Now I am in the position of collecting data about baseball and conveying them as a caster. Exactly because I like it, even if I can’t indeed cut corners in my work and it is difficult, I also feel it’s worth it. It has become a chance to make everyone know a me different from KAT-TUN’s. It might be my “destiny”, I can’t be separated from baseball.

Face 2. Showa Kamenashi [*]
I don’t want to put love into words.

I’m often said by people around me, “You’re a Showa man, aren’t you?”
I think the same about myself too, regarding my strong sense of duty and my will to take care of my family or friends. But that’s because I want to be “Ore-sama”[**]. I also have a side of me that gives his best at work every day with all his force because I want to be a presence close to the family’s mainstay.
Seriously desiring a good car or a single house with a garden, or stopping at a bar coming back from work and being pleased with myself, chuckling while swirling the whiskey’s rock glass; this is also Showa (laughs).
Also, I can’t calculate profit and loss. Especially, my being extremely clumsy in human relationships must be the same of old times’ men’s. I can’t put up a nice face to someone I don’t like even if he’s of a high position, and I can’t say sweet words or signature phrases to people I keep dear.
I totally don’t say to KAT-TUN members, “We’re forever companions” or to the girl I love, “I love you”. I feel like precious feelings end up become lighter if put into words. This is why I dearly lock them inside my heart.

Face 3. Actor Kamenashi
I want to destroy “Kamenashi Kazuya.”

[crosstalk between Kame and Kase Ryo]

The difference between an idol and an actor is self-consciousness and body strength?!

Kamenashi: I was happy we could act together for the first time. Kase-san is “THE ACTOR”; I was selfishly imagining him as a taciturn and cool person, but on the filming place he friendly talked about episodes from filming an overseas movie, even. I learnt a lot.
Kase: This time there were many scenes Kamenashi-kun had to act alone, and I thought that his vitality is amazing despite being one who was supposed to sleep less among us. When Kamenashi-kun arrives and says “Good morning!” the filming spot becomes cheerful. On the contrary in the mornings I am sort of “Good morning (with a small voice)” (laughs).
Kamenashi: Tentatively, because I am an idol? (laughs)
Kase: I don’t know what kind of profession an idol is (laughs), but I guess they’re people with the power to involve everyone. I have acted together with Ninomiya-kun, Sakurai-kun, Okada-kun so I think that. Also, the Kamenashi-kun I see, for example, on the posters is a different person from normal (laughs).
Kamenashi: Yes (laughs). Thinking about that, maybe when I am working as an actor is when I am most ‘flat’ . When I am doing other works, I am giving importance to what I have formed as “KAT-TUN’s Kamenashi Kazuya,” and I am also self-consciousness of “wanting to present myself like this.” I don’t need such a thought when I act. Especially in this movie, I threw away the Kamenashi Kazuya I had till now because I wanted to reproduce faithfully the world director Miki portrays.
Kase: I was surprised when I watched the completed version. You properly acted 33 different people in detail. Especially the scene where the main three Hitoshis walk together, the difference was visible even from looking at them from behind.

Theme is how to destroy the “me who acts cool”

Kamenashi: Kase-san, you sudden change even your personality depending on the role, but still keep your sense and personal nature, right? I also jumped into this movie aspiring to that aspect of yours. As “KAT-TUN’s Kamenashi,” constantly firing a weird face one after the other like I did for this movie is something that I needed courage to do; but [I did it] because I thought that was a ‘self’ I had to destroy, one day or another.
Kase: In Kamenashi-kun’s case, more than saying you’re self-conscious, isn’t because the surroundings were asking for a “cool Kamenashi-kun”?
Kamenashi: That’s true too. Even in dramas, they were mostly characters I was requested, “for starters, please be cool” (laughs).
Kase: I was the opposite. “For starters, please be hopeless” (laughs).
Kamenashi: It means that even actors have an image for a certain role.
Kase: Yes. Once you get labeled with an image - may it be even a role - many character offers stop arriving (laughs).
Kamenashi: Kase-san, were you able to completely delete yourself and deal with all kind of characters from the beginning?
Kase: No no. At first I misunderstood the job of acting as being a method of self-expression, but experiencing a lot I understood that it is a work in which you have to accept and take in others’ feelings. Now I am trying to get close to the imaginary world we create all together. There’s a ‘self’ that doesn’t change. I have many likes and dislikes, and I am the egoistic type. In everyday life I tend to collide with people (laughs). But thanks to my job, I became able to listen to what others say, maybe I became able to take on a bit of balance. I’m grateful to my profession (laughs).
Kamenashi: Talking with you, Kase-san, made me think once again that I want to experiencethe movie filming more, that I want to tear myself down.
Kase: Idols perform in front of many people while overcoming many severe situations, right? I somewhat think that someone who does that doesn’t find meaning in acting in a movie. I totally couldn’t face those kinds of concerts (laughs).
Kamenashi: I want to act together once again. Next time I want to act facing each other much more!
Kase: Of course! I’m looking forward to it.

Face.4 Ero Kamenashi
I want to give forth a scent of eroticism without letting it leak.

Always, no matter how old I get, I want to be seen with erotic eyes by women, and I want to see them with the same eyes.
For example, when I am alone at a bar, if the woman next to me is looking furtively at me, I’m happy. I think “please stare at me as much as you want.” Because I will give off a stronger scent of eroticism too. I think this is a male’s life force, it's his instinct.
Being considered a ‘safe move man’ makes life boring. When I suddenly embrace a girl, I want her to become silent at once, you see (laughs). I want to be a man that can do the first move and begin everything.
Regarding romantic love, I must be the attack type. If I meet a girl my antenna perceives, my ero-switch naturally switches on and my instinct as a male takes action.
It might be close to the switch that activates during a live. I suppose that myself in those moments vibrantly radiates a, “I want to sleep with you aura”.

Face. 5 Sexy Kamenashi
Aiming to be a sex symbol!?

Since I am doing this profession, “sexy” is probably the face I am requested of most. Because at the work place I am requested “do a sexy expression” more than “smile”. The time I am Marylin Monroe is undoubtedly longer than the time I am Audrey Hepburn. I don’t have the consciousness that I am good at being sexy, but since I was 15-16 years old I was being told, “Kamenashi’s dance posture is…”; and the fact that even during photoshoots my thoughtless pose is defined as sexy… might it be because maybe I’m narcissistic. Even when normally taking a shower at home, I look up and close my eyes, or even when I am sluggish on the sofa I am said, “you’re taking a pose”. But it’s unconscious.
There’s a me who looks from a high angle and takes an objective sight. Maybe exactly because I always have the perception that I am being observed by myself that I can unconsciously act cool.. In this case, shall I aim to be Johnny’s sex symbol? (laughs)

Face 6. The Real Kamenashi
I want to be empty.

"Since it’s a profession in which I answer to people’s desires, I usually want to be honest with my own desires."

I want to be considered a useless human being by people close to me.

Under the blue sky, when he picks up a glove, he innocently runs after the ball. As soon as he enters the bathroom, like his posture suggests, he begins giving off an ennui atmosphere. And as soon as you think that, those pupils who stare at the lens without makeup become frank, direct wherever they reach……. He adapts himself to the instant, to all the 6 situations that Maquia prepared, and keeps changing. Where are the many Kamenashi Kazuya’s faces born from?
“I don’t know it either (laughs). It’s my natural attitude. If you ask me, none of these faces is a lie or built up. They are all genuine. Concerts, movies, baseball relay, television, magazines… I receive works which content is very different from one to the other, and upon deciding to properly face each one of them, the face [I use] naturally changes too. Everyone has a different expression, way of talking or way to correspond, in front of people you meet for the first time, lover, family, work colleagues, right? I think it’s the same as that.”

But Kamenashi Kazuya’s change is bold.
“In my case, the process of changing face depending on the work I am doing isn’t at the level of being stained by it or changing a channel. It’s like, *pop*, opening the lid on top of my head and 'replacing all and everything that’s inside' except for the skin. It means there are many selves stored inside and the self that’s called shows up (laughs).”

Then, what is the face of the real Kamenashi Kazuya, the one that no one calls?
“He’s empty! (laughs) ……..To say it accurately, maybe it’s 'I want to be empty'. Exactly because it’s a professionwhere I am requested all the faces by many people, in order to be able to become anything, I normally want to be sluggish without rising my antennas.”

In ‘Kamenashi Language’, it seems “empty” includes being a “useless human being”.
“If you do this job, you always care about people’s glance, so I think you also have a side that naturally creates a good face. I am told even by my parents ‘the exact moment you take a step outside the entrance, your face changes, doesn’t it’. Of course when I work, but even when I am with other people in my private time, I am always responding to someone’s desires. For this reason, when I am my real self, I want to respond to all my desires to begin with. Eating what I want to eat, sleep when I want to sleep, I want to be a completely useless person. Because I want people close to me to understand that ‘useless me’ too, I also try to excessively impress the girl I like or the staff with my no-good side. (laughs)”

Despite being by nature a “show-off man”, the fact that he can’t do it completely till the end is Kamenashi Kazuya’s real face, his charm.
“Somewhere, I end up seeing myself in an objective prospective. Even if during concerts I instinctively show off all the time, I’m the type who, when I come back home, is embarrassed and can’t watch those DVDs.Maybe it’s also an influence of the fact I grew up surrounded by fashionable and cool older adults since when I was 20 years old. Because when, for example, I showed off in TV, I was made fun of as 'Kame, it’s creepy' (laughs). I can’t become intoxicated by myself, yet stars don’t falter! I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing. But exactly for this reason I am gladdened by people demanding for my many different faces, and probably [for this reason] I am able to answer them obediently, I guess.”

The first work I chose as my own volition is “It’s me, It’s me”

Inside of him, a change in his state of mind has begun once again.
“I think that my profession comes to life when I am requested, 'I want to see such a Kamenashi'; I myself came till here keeping this kind of flow of events dear, but… I feel that “It’s me, It’s me” movie was the first time I headed toward a place I wanted to go to consciously, as my own will. It’s a desire of mine - destroying the ‘myself’ I had until now; but it’s also an approach toward everyone, I also want everyone to see my destroyed self. Maybe because I gained a little confidence. With “Youkai Ningen Bem” I answered to everyone’s wishes and the 'royal road' of my own cleared, so I was probably able to think ‘Let’s have a new match with this movie’. What kind of reaction will come from the people who watch this movie, what will start from now on; right now I am excited for this, and I am looking forward to it very much.”

[*] Showa is the historical period from 1926 to 1989. Generally indicates old-fashion mindset or values (typical of that era), opposed to Heisei mindset (Heisei being the present era started in 1989).
[**] “Ore” meaning “me” and “sama” being a very honorific expression. I can’t translate it, but it basically sounds pompous. In this case I think it means a “I want to feel important and be important for people around me”.


....it was very difficult to translate the "ero part" @_@;;; He uses too... vivid... images, to explain himself, lol.
I was also impressed by how open he was in admitting that his appearance and being an idol limited his drama roles requests (no news here, but you know... he's an idol and he isn't supposed to "complain" about this). I hope he's going to receive many different offers from now on, as he wishes and deserves after Ore Ore ♥ (before getting caught in his image role like Kase said T_T)

*translation: kame camera, $magazine: maquia, *translation: magazine, .member: kamenashi

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