There's no group pic for this photoshoot so I had to "create" one (beware of my awesome Paint skillz, yo). But well, it's the red&black photoshoot, the one with Kame wearing glasses and all of them using leather gloves and such...
This is a translation I did at least 1 week ago but couldn't find time to complete before today! lol.
Not a native English speaker translating this in the middle of the night so there might be Engrish~
Wink up 2013.06
Being an idol is a profession which you often become the center of people’s conversation. Many people selfishly create your image; joy and discouragement repeat themselves their own way. This photo-shoot expresses these human speculations and false unstable heart.
People you can’t trust
People whose words and attitude differ, people with a double face, people who strongly appeal with a “I am a good person, aren’t I?” vibe. Also, there are people who talk easily, right? “Yes yes, I understand”, or “Yeah, that’s right”, even if you’re talking normally they look like on another planet, or better they reply you with a blank smile; I can’t trust them either. I think “he’s just letting it flow…”, or “when tomorrow comes he’ll surely forgot saying ‘eh, have you said such a thing?’”. Actually, I trust people even less in private (bitter smile). If you do this kind of job, you’re seen with the “Ueda Tatsuya of KAT-TUN from Johnny’s” prospective, and no matter what, it turns out like that. For example, if I’m talking using formal language and I am said “I didn’t think you were such a guy” [T/N: who uses formal language], it means that the other person is seeing a different me [from the one I actually am] already, right? There’s this handicap, so it’s difficult for me, you know. In those moments I strongly face him or her and I say what I really think, but there’s a side of me in a corner of my mind which is already thinking “anyhow he isn’t having faith in me…” For this reason I can trust people that I have actually met at work more, because we’re working in the same world and we can understand each other in the same circumstances.
People you can trust
People who can do something for me without minding pros and cons even when I’m in trouble or I am in a negative situation; people who tell me “I think it’s different” if I say something slightly wrong; people I can even quarrel a bit. Also, people who teach me a lot, like people who have more experience than me in life. This isn’t related to age, but I guess it’s related to how long we have known each other. This is valid for the way we face each other too, but I can’t think “ah, I can believe him” without no reason. As basis I have faith in relations connected to work, but in my private, people I have faith in are just my family and very few male friends. They are really few (laughs). Just, people I trust, I’ll trust them forever.
“FACE to Face” is a song you can listen, the point is the atmosphere and the song’s world. It’s the theme song for the movie, and I’d like you to listen to it paying attention to the story-like nature of the lyrics. Matching the on sale period, we’re going to appear on music TV programs so I went to the hairdresser and had my hair cut, but the highlights I added to be flashy ended up disappearing (laughs). Even if I want to add them again, hair are too short and I can’t. But, it’s 2 years I turned my hair black, as expected it’s easy~. I want a small change, but I guess right now I don’t have the will to go back to my previous hairstyle. By the way, the hard contact lenses I talked about last month, I flushed them away for mistake while I was washing them… I underwent the medical examination from start once again and had them done again… even though I bought the previous pair just 2 weeks before (bitter smile). Up until now it was normal for me that there were things I couldn’t see, but now I got used to wearing contact lenses so now I feel sick if I can’t see stuff. It’s already a new era in which I have a new sense!
People you can’t trust
People who immediately say numbers. People who look at something I have and ask “how much does that cost?” or “how much have you paid for this~” look like they’re looking just at the numbers, not at the essence. Even if we frequent each other I feel that they are just seeing the surface. Also I get upset by guys who suddenly start using informal language and I can’t trust them. I don’t like people who I end up thinking “I wonder if they know how society works”. People I can’t trust on work are people with no sense or people who aren’t informed about the job they’re involved in. If we’re professional, I would like he can properly answer me if I ask something. If he replies “I don’t know” even when I suggest an image I want to create like “I’d like to make it like this”, or people who can’t answer to questions, I can’t trust them. Also, I can’t trust people who just listen to what I say and don’t suggest their own idea. I end up feeling uneasy and saying “Are you sure it’s okay like this?”. I can trust more people who work having their own idea, can make many proposals together with me, and can teach me.
People you can trust
People that have higher experience value than me, people I can respect. Basically many of them are people older than me. Leading figures like actors already have their own style so I wish they interact with me keeping their style as it is, without flattering or trying to match me. Also they have worked in my same world, so I trust they understand my circumstances too. From time to time there are people who match my same difficulties and flatter me. But trust is something that’s built slowly, so you can’t know if you trust them or not unless you frequent them for a long time or have been together for years. I can trust all the people around me and I’ve never been betrayed, but I guess one day I’ll work at least once with someone I can’t trust… when you join society it’s different from school when everyone is at your same age and level, so even relationships with people become difficult. But it’s an important thing, so I guess that readers too, if they learn how to build good personal relationships when they’re still at school they won’t have losses [in future].
Recently in my private time I am often taking dance lessons, and tomorrow (the interview was taken in middle April) I’m going to a dance battle event together with Koki. A dancer I know will take part as finalist, so we’re going both to cheer and learn. It’s a lot of time I don’t go out with Koki so I’m looking forward to it. As expected, I love dance and I think I’m going to receive many stimuli watching dance live. If there are nice moves I want to pick them up for us, I go to learn the very last trends in dance (laughs). About the new song “FACE to Face”, I really like the final part of the chorus, “Owaranai story”. The point to sing it skillfully is probably not to let it grow high too much. At the end of the song you tend to grow higher, but it turns out better if you cut it before. It’s a song very easy to sing, so try it when you sing, for example at karaoke.
People you can’t trust
People who say bad things about others. I catch that “sooner or later he’ll speak ill of me too”, so I can’t show my real self to him so much anymore. Also, I’m not good with people who force themselves on others saying “You know I am this~” or “I am doing this thing, you know”; or people who even if they aren’t bragging say stuff like “I am friend with OOO-san, you know”. I’m fine if it naturally comes as flow of the conversation, but if such a thing is put as the beginning of our conversation I get “what?”; such a way to shorten the distance between us is not my forte. In my private time I can avoid this kind of people but if it’s during work, workplace isn’t the right place to say such a thing so I make efforts to just do my job properly [T/N: work properly without minding people around]. Of course it happens that from there the relationship develops and the impression changes, but if a proper amount of time doesn’t pass, I can’t open myself.
People you can trust
Someone I can speak to as equal. I think it’s important whether we can properly face each other when some kind of problem happens. Since people who you can rely on at 100% since the very beginning don’t exist, you don’t know if you can trust a person unless time passes and you get to know him, right. If it’s work, you must deal with the others in a flexible way so I take everything in. But you can’t completely expose the real self, or better everything about yourself, to everyone. After all depending on the position and situation, I must make the wall around my heart thicker……. In my private life, maybe I have absolutely no one I can trust (laughs). Don’t I often say that I don’t have friends? Once I trust someone I go on and show everything about myself, but I don’t have shallow relationships. It’s my prejudice but I won’t be friend with people who are like “I’m every night at Nishi-Azabu”, and fundamentally, our talks won’t match.
“FACE to Face” has a strong message, and I think it’s also a song that really matches the movie. The lyrics both express the KAT-TUN-ness yet I feel we have reached something new. Right now, regarding both group work and solo work, I am doing many meetings directed to a new level, I am already in the next preparation period. This is not a baseball independent training; I’m increasing my motivation for the following season. [T/N: he’s not directly talking about baseball, it’s a metaphor]
As individual work, starting from “It’s Me, It’s Me”, I am thinking I want to change the intention I have had until now and make this an year when I polish a breaking pitch. In exchange of this, for the next year I’m considering to walking at full force “THE main path”, in a certain meaning. As one of my preparations, recently I am reading books. On holidays I wake up early, I eat the breakfast I cooked on the veranda, and just like that I read while rolling on my hammock. I like it because when I read books I can totally enter that world. If it’s during work it’s impossible because I get tired if I keep switching from reality and novel’s world, but for example during PV filming, if I have 1-2 hours of free time, I end up reading without even realizing. It’s the first time I read books for something related to work, and I’ve never been good at doing work homework at home, but at the present time reading books is my best way to relax. I’ve totally turned into a literature boy (laughs)
People you can’t trust
People on high spirits, on easy mood. In that situation he looks a good person, but it seems that he’ll change what he says depending on the place and I can’t trust him so much. This is valid as basis, both work and private, both men and women. I also really hate people who talk bad about others, I can’t trust them! I end up thinking he’ll surely talk bad about me too, and isn’t unpleasant that people make you hear about bad stuff to begin with? I don’t want to hear bad things said with love as basis either, if that’s so people who just praise and praise are better, it feels better. When I work together with someone like that, I talk to him/her normally and not show hatred. But since I have no faith I won’t approach him/her. The way to tell apart people I can’t trust… maybe appearance. As expected humans disclose everything on their appearance. Though I don’t judge at first sight, I more or less understand that person’s direction from his clothes; I make it material to judge what kind of person he is. I totally can’t trust people who are defined “At first sight he looks frivolous but actually he’s a good person”! He surely has a side of his character that’s warped, so he’s no good! (laughs) People who are really good are people I think they have no gap. For humans appearance is important.
People you can trust
It’s different from kind people too. I think that, regarding the basis of having faith or not in people, each one has his own but are similar; but I guess [I person I can trust] is a person who becomes affectionate, who acts without minding pros and cons. This has no relation with age or gender either. It has relation just with the length of the friendship. It depends on people, but if it’s a long-time friendship there’s also the time spent together and it naturally relates to trust. Family and parents, I have faith in them without fail, and also among my friends, they aren’t many but there is someone I trust from the bottom of my heart. There are people I got to know for work and people I frequent in private time, there are both older and younger people. They are all common and proper people. As expected I can trust proper people.
Recently my days are full of drama shooting. It has already turned into a set similar to stage plays rehearsals’ sets. But since the time we have is less than the one for a stage play we’re doing it very compacted, it requires quite a lot of energy. At the last stage of this drama, scenes from the first episode pop up a lot and you understand “why was it like this?” or “what was this person doing this moment?”. I think you can enjoy even more not only watching it every week but re-watching the recorded episodes, so I wish you watch it many times. Also, the dressing room corner included in “FACE to Face” special DVD. This time I gave my best again so I want you to watch this too (laughs). It feels good listening to the song too, so I’d be glad if you enjoy it together with the movie.
People you can’t trust
Both in private and on workplace, people whose manners at first encounter aren’t proper. Then, people on high spirits and people who ooze the “I am a good person!” aura aren’t actually such good guys. I’m an adult too so if necessary I read the atmosphere of that place and correspond to it, but I end it all with a “okay, okay”; it’s also difficult to start creating a deep relationship from such a starting point. Also, I say this since the past, but I really hate women body touching. I don’t really know but I think “she’s like this with anyone, thinking men will enjoy it”, and I wonder “is she plotting something?!”
People you can trust
Since you can work even if you don’t have faith [in people around you], exactly for this reason a workplace where I can trust people is extremely fun and there are relationship that are born from there. For this kind of relationships the length of the relation doesn’t matter. I mean, if it’s a drama the filming period is 3 months but for a movie it’s 1 month, right? There are filming sets where the sensitivity and feeling are just perfect. That’s why I still talk with “Sanbun no Ichi”’s Shinagawa (Hiroshi)-san about “shall we go to learn martial arts next time?”, or still keep contacts with Kosugi (Ryuuichi)-san and Fujihara (Tatsuya)-san. But at the end, something higher than KAT-TUN is probably difficult. There aren’t many people who work together for 12 years to begin with. Of course I can trust them, it’s already an unfortunate but inescapable relationship, or better, it’s a presence similar to childhood friends (laughs). I think there are many people I can trust in private, but it’s not a problem of numbers either. I mean, in my case I have my parents and 4 brothers, even with just my family are 6 people (laughs). [Having people you trust] isn’t a matter of thinking ‘I must create friends I can trust’ and then create them; I wonder what kind of friends are those you create thinking something like that. There must be a sort of opportunity like fighting or overcoming walls together that deepened each friendship individually, but I think that friends you can trust develops naturally.
Regarding “FACE to Face”, when we were filming the PV, I thought a bit “we’re always saying ‘me, me’!” (laughs) Well, it’s the theme song for the movie “It’s Me, It’s Me” so it’s obvious. But maybe it might be fun to check on the lyrics booklet how many times we say it? For the PV we’ve used many special filming tricks, it has taken an atmosphere that matches the world of the lyrics, so I’d like you to enjoy it together with the song. Also tomorrow (filming was first decade of April) I have a date with Taguchi (laughs). I was invited by Taguchi with “there’s a dance competition, shall we go together?”, the timing was good so it’s like I’m going for study too. I have been to similar competitions alone, but it’s rare I go together with Taguchi. I can’t draw up plans and even if I promise something to a friend it happens that I forget and say “Eh, was it today?” But I properly remember tomorrow’s promise so I won’t forget… I’m supposed not to (laughs).
I don’t know why it turned first decade of April in Koki’s part while it was second decade in Junno’s. I guess it’s a typo made by who wrote down the interview, but I’m not the journalist so I don’t know which is the wrong one… I’ll just translate as it is.
Exactly the evening before “Tokyo Bandwagon” was announced I was talking on Twitter about this WU, wondering what kind of books Kame was reading for work xD I have a great timing, lol! So well, Kame was hinting about that drama… 1 month before announcement, but he’s actually reading the books since April (interview was made in April, as we saw)
And orz at Kame's always-present baseball metaphors~ @_@;;; xD
……….Ueda don’t tell me you’ve never used lenses or even glasses up until now, PLEASE XDDD it’s NOT normal not to see objectssssss!! XDDDDDD
I’d like to say to Nakamaru that following his reasonment, this makes all KAT-TUN members bad guys who no one can trust, since they are the exemplification of “they look frivolous and showy but they’re actually good guys”. Orz, Nakamaru! >< xD