The rules:
List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
Tag seven people to do the same.
Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.
1. I am in love with Queen Elizabeth II. No, I seriously am.
2. I like to read history books of any sort and also meta.
3. I work with special needs children and no longer fear being bitten, as it's happened now more times than I care to count.
4. I willingly let my mouth get me in trouble.
5. I live with my parents by choice, not necessity.
6. I am fascinated by royalty from Queen Elizabeth II and backward. Not Prince Charles or Princes William and Harry, believe it or not. And the older the better. I want to learn the daily habits of Egbert Bretwalda.
7. I write gay porn.
I don't tag people, though. Ha.