some more photos

Feb 28, 2006 01:14

On Friday, Kurt and I went to view a flat (ughugh I'm not even going to start talking about it because you'll never stop me - I am so skint I can't afford to move into a flat next academic year! ugh!), then we went to have chinese at Number Ones! I'm always amazed that I actually eat more than Kurt, even though he weights almost twice my weight or something weird. Anyway, then we went to Blockbuster and they tried to say I wasn't who my passport says I am but we came home and managed to actually watch what we'd rented - FOUR BROTHERS. I did falling

Then we decided to go out to work, so I had to get dressed...and this is where the phototaking begins..

Neither Kurt or I really wanted to go into work, but we get free drinks there and felt we should. Kurt (despite his FACE on this first pic) actually wanted to go out more than I did...

So I wasted some time by taking pictures of my clothes...etcetc....b/w....colour....there were more by my laptop/photobucket is slow

uhhh so we got to work eventually and some people were there!

Uh I think this messed up a bit....l-r Hannah, Nicola, Nicola's bfriend, Bhavni...

Then me and Kurt played on some quizzes! yay!

I think the second one looks better...

We kept losing and I was not impressed

So I gave up and took some pictures of everyone instead.

Nicola does assure me that those glasses were a joke.....

The only unhappy person was Jay, who did not not not want to be the only one on the bar when we were all there (even though Bhav and Hannah were starting work)

Almost finisheded! My Marx essay is almost done, kind of...I'll finish it off tomorrow. It's bloody hard, that's all I know!

All that is left is for....

If anyone wants to, of course.....?
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