Past is Prologue looks interesting! I thought I'd read everything at Off-Panel, but I've missed that one somehow. Thank you for the tip. Having read the other recs previously, may I say you have excellent taste?
Please, sign-up now. I've considered signing up there and at sequentialcrack. I usually only get as far as "Why this must be read" though. I'm horrible at verbalizing why I like something, and I'm pretty certain the mods won't accept "Because I said its awesome, dammit!" as a legitimate reason.
Yay for something new! :D Thanks for compliment. If you read JSA fic, it's hard not to have read everything out there, but I figured "just in case".
Oh, I think you'd be great! You leave thoughtful comments and that's usually where I start from - "What stood out in my original feedback?" Also, crack_van has guidelines for choosing fics: "Emphasis should be on fics that you feel are especially outstanding and accessible examples of your fandom, e.g. it plays on a repeated theme in the show, it's a fandom or a personal favourite, it was a controversial fic, it's good smut. Whatever.". It's a good place to start to express why you think people should read it. You don't have to write paragraphs; I usually only write a sentence or two. Besides, I think "its awesome, dammit!' is a pretty good reason!
Btw, I'm writing Todd/Damon for the lgbtfest. Wish me luck!
I'm sorry your week's been bad, but yay for happy-making!
*accepts them graciously* Thank you! I would say, "I need all the help I can get," but I'm actually feeling fairly confident with this one. I helps that I have over half of it written already. Now, I just need to find a satisfying conclusion...
Comments 4
Please, sign-up now.
I've considered signing up there and at sequentialcrack. I usually only get as far as "Why this must be read" though. I'm horrible at verbalizing why I like something, and I'm pretty certain the mods won't accept "Because I said its awesome, dammit!" as a legitimate reason.
Oh, I think you'd be great! You leave thoughtful comments and that's usually where I start from - "What stood out in my original feedback?" Also, crack_van has guidelines for choosing fics: "Emphasis should be on fics that you feel are especially outstanding and accessible examples of your fandom, e.g. it plays on a repeated theme in the show, it's a fandom or a personal favourite, it was a controversial fic, it's good smut. Whatever.". It's a good place to start to express why you think people should read it. You don't have to write paragraphs; I usually only write a sentence or two. Besides, I think "its awesome, dammit!' is a pretty good reason!
Btw, I'm writing Todd/Damon for the lgbtfest. Wish me luck!
You have just brightened up my otherwise crappy week! :)
*sends luck, karma, and general good will in your direction*
*accepts them graciously* Thank you! I would say, "I need all the help I can get," but I'm actually feeling fairly confident with this one. I helps that I have over half of it written already. Now, I just need to find a satisfying conclusion...
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