
Apr 14, 2020 17:34

I've been enjoying reading people's responses to these, so here are mine.

1. Are you an essential worker?

No. But I work from home under normal circumstances, and so the only difference is that everyone else in my office is now, too.

2. How many drinks have you had since the quarantine started?

HAHAHAHA. As if I've been counting. I mean, not that this has anything to do with quarantine, but I drink a lot. I generally keep it to three per day: cocktail at the end of the workday, wine with dinner, liqueur or more wine with chocolate for dessert.

3. If you have kids... Are they driving you nuts?

No kids. My cat should be used to us being around all the time, but in the past month she has taken to jumping on my desk and sitting between my keyboard and my monitors (though if I don't move my keyboard fast enough, she will sit on it, and sometimes she takes a while to settle down so I have to crane my head to see around her.

4. What new hobby have you taken up during this?

In February I signed up for 3 months of Shaker&Spoon, which is a meal-kit-type subscription box, except it's for cocktails rather than food. They send recipes and all the ingredients except the booze for making 4 each of 3 cocktails based on the same liquor, generally one each highball, rocks, and coupe type. This has gotten me more interested in cocktails, particularly in classics and general recipe variations (like, a margarita is a type of cocktail called a daisy, which is a variation on the sour) and on making my own syrups and (maybe?) bitters.

(Right now I'm drinking a Bee's Knees, which is a type of sour - it's 2 oz gin, 3/4 oz lemon juice, 3/4 oz honey syrup, which I made myself, though that's trivially easy as it's only honey and water.)

Also, at
mrkinch's suggestion I'm getting more serious about my backyard birdwatching and keeping an actual list, though we've had a cold snap and haven't had the usual crowd lately.

5. How many grocery runs have you done?

Depends on how you interpret that! I've been to the supermarket once, three weeks ago, though I will probably go again late this week. Last week I did an online order from the food coop of mostly vegetables, fruits, and bulk grains like flour and rice, which worked pretty well - they put together the order to be picked up from their loading dock. My CSA hasn't started yet, but they have some early veggies and meat/eggs/etc that can be ordered every other week and picked up at the college, and I just got back from getting a dozen eggs, a jar of honey, and a bunch of chives from them; two weeks ago I got eggs and bacon and mixed greens. And two Saturdays ago I biked down to my favorite bakery, locked my bike there, went for a run, and then bought five loaves of bread (of which I've used 1.5 so far).

6. What are you spending your stimulus check on?

We're fortunate enough to be above the income cut-off.

7. Do you have any special occasions that you will miss during this quarantine?

So far two half marathons I'd registered for have been canceled, along with several other races I would do but prudently didn't sign up for in advance. Also this weekend we had a 3-day mountain bike ride in Utah that isn't happening. Another mountain bike ride is scheduled for late June; as of last week the company that runs the network of huts where we'd be staying sounded optimistic that they'll be open, but I'm not counting on it. We had been just starting to plan a July backpack trip in the our Barcelona friends in the Balkans mountains but that's not happening. And then there are several local wine and food events that have been canceled or are likely to be so. Oh, well.

8. Are you keeping your housework done?

*sob* I have a house cleaner who comes every other week, and I am sorely missing her. I try to run the Roomba fairly often, but that's actually a bit of a pain because of moving furniture and having to clean it frequently due to my long hair which gets caught up in the various parts. I managed to mop the kitchen once! I cleaned the stovetop (like, not the general post-cooking wipe, but the serious cleaning) once! I hate housework and it shows, alas.

9. What movie have you watched during this quarantine?

None, actually, unless you count the weekend production of Jesus Christ Superstar.

10. What are you streaming?

We are still watching Peaky Blinders.

11. Nine months from now is there any chance of you having a baby?

Vasectomy plus menopause = no chance in hell.

12. What's your go-to quarantine meal?

Nothing different than usual, really.

13. Is this whole situation making you paranoid?

Not really. I'm a little concerned about voting (in the rest of the country, not here where we have universal mail ballots) and the loss of civil liberties in the hands of the current administration.

14. Has your internet gone out on you during this time?

That would be a disaster, so fortunately, no.

15. What month do you predict this all ends?

Depends on what you mean by 'this', 'all', and 'ends'. It depends on testing, and tracing, and treatment development, and vaccine development, but in some sense I expect it's not going to 'end' until sometime in 2021.

16. First thing you’re gonna do when you get off quarantine?

Invite friends over for dinner!

17. Where do you wish you were right now?

I'm pretty happy to be where I am. But I wish I'd be going on the (cancelled) bike trip this weekend.

18. What free-from-quarantine activity are you missing the most?

Book club - it's just not the same over Zoom.

19. Have you run out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer?

I'm okay on toilet paper, but we didn't have hand sanitizer in the first place, and of course it was all gone at the stores. I don't really see the need for it in general - handwashing with soap and water is better - but we do have some alcohol wipes for e.g. grocery runs.

20. Do you have enough food to last a month?

Easily, since I've got a freezer full of elk (B hunts) and salmon (I buy a lot every year from a local couple who operate an Alaskan fishing boat), though the meals would get rather strange toward the end, and lack vegetables as when the fresh stuff runs out I have only two bags of frozen peas and no cans other than tomatoes and olives. I do have lentils and other dried beans, but I suspect I'd be ready to kill for a salad. The liquor will run out, so no more cocktails, but I've got enough wine, though I really don't want to open some of those bottles yet. The coffee will run out in another two weeks, but I can make do with black tea, and B will cheerfully drink instant mixed with hot chocolate, the heathen. If worst comes to worst, we have a couple weeks' worth of commercial freeze-dried backpacking food on shelves in the garage.

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