bye, LJ

Nov 27, 2020 19:48

I just noticed that LJ has not crossposted my DW entries since this spring. Well, I guess that's a message. This journal's now defunct. If you want to read my entries, I'm at Dreamwidth.

lj-and-dw, lj, admin

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Comments 3

thistle_chaser November 30 2020, 04:53:59 UTC
Ah and here I thought you were just being as quiet as me! I'll try to remember to check DW, but as I only check LJ every couple weeks (or less... *cough*), I'm not too confident in that plan. I somehow go long periods of time forgetting LJ exists.

Have a good, safe holiday season, other-IS! :)


isiscolo December 2 2020, 22:21:36 UTC
You can do as I do only in reverse - I have your journal set up as an RSS feed ( on DW so your entries show up on my DW flist, and if I want to comment I click through. (But that of course doesn't help you if you don't check LJ, either!)

And you, too, have a good and safe holiday season! <3


thistle_chaser December 3 2020, 00:10:27 UTC
Ah ha! Thanks for reminding me that exists!

... )


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