I can no longer add anyone else to my buddy list, because as of right now...i have 4/20 people available. And the chances of that happening again make me want to keep that bad bitch steady.
I am a part of a cult. Officially, but before you mourn the loss of my mind, console yourself with the fact that it surrounds John Lennon. Mmmm...John Lennon and the Zimbabwe-Scotts.
Soo...i just spent a whole 15 minutes skimming my friends page (it's not that i don't love you guys, you're just....long as fuck to read)and i realized i haven't written a real post in God knows how long...And today...is no different.
Oooo-kay...change in plans. I'm still a telemarketer...just somewhere better. My NEW schedule is Monday-Tuesday 1-9 Wednesday-OFF Thursday-Friday 1-9 Saturday 10-6 Sunday OFF