goodmorning everyone on this beautiful sunday morning, like a lot of you i'm exhausted with everything that's been happening, life in general. I realized yesterday how much i take my health for granted, i sometimes look around me and I feel lucky to have the energy to wake up every morning and continue to strive for my goals. Time has been taking it's toll on my body currently, i get no sleep and i've been hanging out very late on a tremendously large number of occasions. That's okay because it's been a blast. I'm going to drop random band names so i sound cool, headautomaticaheadautomaticaheadautomaticaheadautomatica, okay well just one band name and ima see them on friday, i'm thrilled. I never post, so summarizing what i've done in the last two months since my last entry would be pointless, i'll just get into detail about last night. in the morning... blah blah blah .. so after blah bli di blah.. the dinner at the restaurant my dad plays keys at was amazing. Unfortunately there was no actual dinner involved, instead it consisted of drinking Sangria [ a spanish wine with pieces of fruit ] at the restaurant i'm the son of maestro vargas , which wins me accolades and respect, i like feeling that. I get to punk the waiters around. Anyway my dads small group did really good , as they always do. After two cups of wine , an attempt to reach over and steal a cigarette, and talking about the month ahead of us, we ran to the car and steered the wheel in downey's direction. At the party i ran into a face i hadn't even thought of in a year, derrick garcia. Yes that gum showing, dirty haired, last person on earth, vegas boy was there. I feel bad for giving him such a horrible greeting but I didn't know how to act. For those of you who do not know anything [stupid faggots ] we used to be best of friends and shit just fell apart, don't ask why because i dont know either, i guess we're both just bitches. He's still a cool dude though and hopefully he creeps back into our small group of friends, i dont want him to feel unwanted. An awesome memory i have of us when we were in high school, is trying to pull all nighters and by the time 6 o clock came around EVERYONE had logged off or put an away message, we would still keep chatting and get some early morning breakfast. just me him and his truck. good memories, okay by now i'm looking at the size of this entry and i'm thinking about an lj cut?
okay well this has been emo enough, lets change the pace of things. Mike and I are going to open our own venue, it's gonna be called Knives Backwards is SUicide. I've been having eye problems lately, probably stemming from this computer screen, i have a difficult time spotting bitches , whores , and backstabbers. Truly the most important thing in life is a cell phone, i now believe that it's worse then missing a limb and a brain. just not possible to function without one. Tomorrow is a day off and i have no plans, why? [ fuck you cell phone ] My parents called me a horrible son about four days ago, anyone want to elaborate on that? Does that make them the best parents by default, i didn't think so and i was hurt for .5 days. My mommy is getting better from her fall and i'm glad to say that. Okay ima finish this off now, ciao.
so let me get this right, again? If dodgeball had no rules, i'd suck everyones dick. A week ago i got a phone call, i hope it was the last one. My hearts still beating, do you believe me? or does someone have to hear it. I found a new glove, it dances for me, plays with my hair, and holds my jacket. It's bright outside right now, i think i'll go work on my turn tables. jesus forgive me, i dont believe.
this was SB
los babies are awesome people