For those of you knew me five years ago... the sad and lonely Frost Manor lady has started calling again...
Five years ago, I started getting regular (nightly, sometimes more than once) phone calls from Frost Manor. A sad and lonely woman was calling thinking I was her son. I guess the phone numbers were similar. I won't lie, it was pretty annoying. No amount of explanation served, dementia had taken hold. I felt bad for her and was concerned that she wasn't getting ahold of the son she was looking forward to talking to so much. Finally, after one call I asked her to recite the number she was calling and called them.
I got the wife, she apologized profusely to me and told me that the old woman was a bother and that she would see to it that her telephone priviledged were taken away. This was not really the resolution I was looking for and tried to protest, telling her that she just wanted to talk to someone and was lonely. She missed her son. The woman, however, was resolute.
The telephone calls stopped. I wasn't sure what the resolution was and over time I forgot. Tonight, I came home to a message on my answering machine and the call display showing Frost Manor.
So... now facing the possible replaying of that whole affair, I wonder how I can do it differently and not have the same issues. I guess I'll have to call Frost Manor and talk to them if the calls continue (it could just be a one off fluke). Perhaps I can encourage them to do the dialing for her.