The Saga is here

Apr 05, 2008 16:39

The Force has come to Spike Tv. That's right, the Star Wars Saga is being aired on April 4th, which is today for the US. Which I know all Star Wars fan and Hayden Christensen fans should know. Again let me remind you that I am a day ahead of the US so it won't be showing for me til what, next week. It's sad, really it is since I am uber excited to watch all six Star Wars movie. That's if I can watch all six. The only thing that'll stop me from watching is my work. It's sad but I'll have to try. If I can't watch it then I'll have to record the ones I missed.

Spike Tv will first air The Phantom Menace, then the next day will be Attack of the Clones, then the next the basic cable premiere of Revenge of the Sith, my most fav Star Wars movie ever. Then it continues on til April 13 with Return of the Jedi. All airing schedules can be seen HERE. I so can't wait for this to air next week Friday for me. Another good reason to stay home, lol. Well since I have been staying home most of the time but still. It gives me a reason to stay home more, besides being around my beloved Steph, dracosgoddess. Ok so now I will leave you all with a huge Hayden Christensen picspam. Oh and may I just remind you that he's birthday is coming up, April 19, celebrating along side with James Franco. Double trouble right there, lol. Anywho, click on the cut for your Hayden viewing pleasure.

Pics thanks to DH.Net. Want more Hayden? Check out the site's gallery HERE. May the Force be with you. Peace, I'm out.

pic spam, star wars, hayden christensen

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