Lost 23-in-23 [Challenge II] Complete Info

May 15, 2012 15:37

Lost 23-in-23 Themes & Info

Icon Themes, Category & Variations Information

1. Unseen
2. Island
3. Black + White
4. Rain/Shine
5. Strange
6. Sorrow
7. Joy
8. Quote-Over

Unseen: This should have no one's eyes visible.
Black + White: No colors. Gray scale.
Quote-Over: Add text that is a quote from another TV series or film.


The category is "A Favorite ___ Of the Season"

Pick your favorites & for each item!

1. Character
2. Episode
3. Flash (Forward, Back, or Sideways)
4. Loved to Hate *
5. Relationship

* Love to Hate: Icon may feature characters who are enemies (e.g. Man in Black/Jacob, Ben/Widmore). Any character who is disliked by other characters. Or make it of something that you "loved to hate."
Please DO NOT use text to bash the thing OR the fans who like the thing but otherwise you can make an icon of a thing you personally "loved to hate."


"You have a choice." --- Jacob (The Incident)


Choose two images and use them as listed.

1. One: First Image
2. Two: Second Image
3. Rotate: Rotate an image
4. One Color: One main color.
5. Two-in-One: Blend/combine both of your images.

I made an example set that is not of LOST so it won't ruin any of your own ideas. [click to expand]

example set

[That text on the example should say you can use one picture alone on 3 of the icons.]

You don't need to copy my example set, in fact I'm sure you can do much better!

Image Choice Info

In addition to all episode screen caps, official episode stills and promo character pictures, you may also use images from "The Missing Pieces" mobisodes that are part of your chosen season.

If you choose season six, you may also use caps from "The New Man in Charge" mini episode.
For any season you may use screen caps from the deleted scenes, too.

Where to get LOST screen captures, episode stills & character photos

daydreamingnet (All seasons & DVD extras)
lost-media (All seasons & DVD extras)
homeofthenutty (seasons six, three & one only)
swizz mizz (season four complete)
shadowofreflect - Season 1 Blu-Ray caps gallery [New!]
spicedogs' screen caps gallery
x LostCaps x: Super High Quality LOST Pics!
Quotes for Theme #08:
Movie quotes [on the bottom of each film's review page] @ http://www.rottentomatoes.com/
TV & movie quotes @ http://www.saidwhatmovies.com

Posting Your Entries

When you have completed all 23 icons, you may post your entries directly in island_rumble or link to the post at your own journal (public posts only) and include your three preview icons.
Please title your entry like this: 23 in 23: Season Number
23 in 23: Season Three (or 3)

Tagging your entries is not required.

Posting Format & Codes

To post your entries you may use three icons to preview.
To make it easy, you may use this preview table I coded for you and posted below.

When posting your completed 23 icons please use this table. To make things simple, it contains place holder icon links. They are named "placeholdericon..." to put your icons into the table paste your icons' Direct Link URL over the placeholder icons' URL.
The table displays a bit funny in Minimalism styles but that's OK. Preview the table at my test LJ here.


Table Codes (Please only change the table/text colors.)

#01 - Unseen#02 - Island#03 - Black + White#04 - Rain/Shine
#05 - Strange#06 - Sorrow #07 - Joy#08 - Quote-Over
Category : A Favorite __ of the Season
#09 - Character #10 - Episode#11- Flash
#12 - Loved to Hate#13 - Relationship
Artist's Choice
#14 - Chosen#15 - Chosen
#16 - Chosen #17 - Chosen#18 - Chosen
Variations: 5 by 2
#19 - One #20 - Two#21 - Rotate #22 - One Color#23 - Two-in-One

{Optional} Three icon preview table


Deadline & Sign-Ups:
* Sign ups will remain open until we reach 15 participants or until Saturday June 2, 2012.
* The entry (posting) period will be May 16 - June 8, 2012. [[Deadline: Friday, June 8 at Midnight California/PDST zone]]
* Since this is a special challenge, if you know an advance you will be away and need an extra day or two, please ask as soon as possible.
The max extension available will be until June 10, 2012 (one extra weekend).
* Sign-up to play at this entry!

23in23 ch 2, 23in23

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