Please read before requesting.
Which fandoms will you make graphics of?
At the moment, I feel like making icons of the following fandoms:
- 30 Seconds to Mars. Past and present, official and unofficial band members, symbols and lyrics, anything related. I will not, however, work on actor!Jared pictures, just singer!Jared. I won't make graphics of Matt alone (= group pictures with him are fine). As for slashy pairings, any combination of shannon, Jared, Tomo and Tim. No Matt, no Solon, no Kevin. No women. Unless they are fans (i.e. I will make a graphic of you and/or your friends in Echelon gear).
- Kill Hannah. Present band members only, symbols and lyrics, anything related. Any slash pairing you can think of. No het pairings.
- My Chemical Romance. Present band members only, symbols and lyrics, anything related. Any slash pairing you can think of (Waycest included, even though I'm not a big fan; Frerard is my favorite). Wives and girlfriends are okay, as long as together with their husband/boyfriend (i.e. no Lin-Z alone, no Lin-Z/Alicia or whatever).
- Your Favorite Enemies. Anything. I mean it.
- Dirty Sexy Money. Any character, any actor/actress (photoshoots and candids only, though - no caps/stills from other movies/tv shows they did), quotes. Any pairing. Twincest included. If I really can't work on the pairing you requested, I'll tell you so. I have no problems with spoiler pictures.
- Heroes. Any character, any actor/actress (photoshoots and candids only, though - no caps/stills from other movies/tv shows they did), quotes and symbols, anything related. Any canon pairing (just so you know, Petellicest is canon). As for non canon pairings: must be two (or more) adult people, incest is not a problem as long as it's not parent/kid. If I really can't work on the pairing you requested, I'll tell you so. I'm very spoilered, so spoiler pictures are fine.
- House MD. Any character, quotes. No pairings but House/Chase. I have no problems with spoiler pictures.
- Supernatural. The Winchester men and related actors, quotes. Any pairing involving the Winchesters and the cast, just no daddycest. I have no problems with spoiler pictures.
- Stock images are always welcome.
Which kinds of graphics are you willing to make?
Icons, banners, headers. You can try and request a layout, but I will only make it if I'm inspired, so no promises. Same applies to profile layouts and banners for fanfictions.
How many people can requests and/or how many requests per person?
No limits as to how many people can request. I won't set a limit of requests per person either, just keep them to a reasonable number and remember that there are other people too. I.e. don't request 30 icons or 10 banners.
How long are requests gonna stay open?
Until I no longer have time to fill them.
How long will it take you to make the requested graphics?
I have no idea. It depends on the number of requests. A week or so should be enough.
Do I have to provide the picture(s)?
Yes, please. You can post several if you want, so I can choose. Links to galleries are fine.
High quality pictures only?
Yes. Especially for headers and banners, but it applies to icons too. The higher the quality, the better.
Will you edit/remake it if I don't like it?
No, sorry. I might however make minor changes to a layout.
Will graphics be sharable (i.e. anyone can use them)?
Yes, unless you explicitly ask for them to be just yours.
Do I have to be a watcher of the community?
No. Even though I suggest you do watch it, at least until I post the graphics.
Do I have to be nice?
.how to request.
Please read before requesting.
Just provide the picture(s) and/or the text.
You must provide the picture(s) and the size. If you want a specific text, if you prefer a certain color scheme, or if there is anything else I should know, please say so.
Flexible Squares only. Provide the picture(s) for the header (if you want a header). I will try to follow any specific indications such as color scheme, width, sidebar etc. Again, I don't guarantee I will make you the layout, but feel free to ask. You can make minor changes to it once it's done, but I won't help you out if you mess something up.
Profile layouts
Tell me the preferred color scheme and width, together with other things you'd like. If you want a banner (or more than one) too, please provide the picture(s) and the text. (For example, you might want a white and black profile layout, between 400 and 500px, with two banners: one at the top with a photo of Nathan Petrelli *urls of pictures here* and the text "About me" and a second with a photo of Peter Petrelli *urls of pictures here* and the text "Links"). Again, I don't guarantee I will make you the profile layout, but feel free to ask.
Banners for fanfictions
Provide the link to the fanfiction and the pictures you'd like me to use, together with any text you want (title, author, quotes, etc). I will make banners for fanfics I read or of fandoms/pairings I like. Feel free to request, but don't take for granted that I'll say yes.