2009 Reflection Survey

Dec 28, 2009 19:41

Love reflecting every end of year. So, here's my complete survey for the year of 2009.

Snagged from lara_tarranco .

In 2009...
Did you do something you would never do?
Eh... One situation that happened a few months ago that I can think of right now is having finally put my cousin in place. She just kept on and on about me being a so-called 'bad girl' who brought shame to my mother (because apparently I'm 'anti-social'), when she herself does much, much horrendous things to her parents. One thing I can't stand is big time hypocrites. They're just utter filths that you got to scrap off your life as soon as possible.

Did you keep any New Year's Resolutions?
Nah! Who makes those? Only people who depends solely on hope.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
No one close. But my colleague gave birth to a baby girl late last month. *smiles*

Did anyone close to you die?
Fortunately, no.

Did you visit any countries?
Not this year. Planning to next year... hopefully.

What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
More money; a better paying job, and... a kitten?

Will any date from 2009 stay etched in your memory forever?
Nah! Nothing extraordinary actually happened for me this year.

What was your biggest achievement of 2009?
I'd say that after years and years of goading from friends and family, I finally decided to join Facebook - which embarrassingly now I have slightly lost interest with. I'm more to Twitter now. I just find Facebook overtly exposed as compared to Twitter. *shrugs*

What was your biggest failure?
I failed to get my Mum off my back from trying to get me hitched to random guys who are apparently sons of her friends. Rather annoying, really.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Just my usual yearly eye problems. Although I'm proud to say this year it only happened twice. It used to occur frequently before.

What was the best thing you bought in '09?
My beloved 3Gs iPhone. Though I should have opted for the white one instead of black. *pouts* Seriously regretted taking the black one till date.

Did your behavior change over the year?
Definitely. I guess in many ways or rather, certain situation has got me brave enough to speak up when needed to. I won't deny that I used to be a bloody coward.

Where did you spend most of your money?
Taxi rides. Seriously, I could have saved hundreds a month if I didn't go around the country via these vehicles.

Are you happier than this time last year?
No. Much much more depressed. Lucky I have friends who are with me all the way through.

What song will remind you of 2009?
You Are Not Alone - Micheal Jackson

What do you wish you would have done more of?
Save more money. Take public bus rides rather than taxis.

What do you wish you would have done less of?
Quit purchasing nonsensical things off the Internet!

What did/will you do for Christmas '09?
Went out with my best buddy who celebrated her 24th birthday at Vivocity. And we watched AVATAR in 3D. Haha! Brilliant, brilliant movie, by the way.

Did you fall in love in 2009?
I fell totally in love with Tom Felton. I have always liked him, but this year after 'Half-Blood Prince', my fascination turns to obsession.

Did you get your heart broken in 2009?
No. My heart has been caged with iron steel many years ago, so it doesn't get affected that easily. Tsk!

Favorite TV program of '09?
The Wizards of Waverly Place. I just love Justin and Alex. It's like incest watching the two of them together.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Nah! I still hate the people I've been hating. *blinks*

What was the best book you read and/or movie you saw?
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince... 'Avatar' comes close second!

What was your greatest discovery?
I was very, very surprise to know that the Challenger IT superstore charged only $300+ for a full restore/repair of one's laptop. Wow! I had seriously assumed it'd be close to $1000. It used to be that when I was repairing my desktop some years ago.

What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
I was 24 on 7th January 2009. And I ordered 24 mini cheesecakes for my whole department in the office. $74 in total! Still remember the cost. Man!

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting a better paying job.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2009?
Umm... casual/formal???

Who was the best new person you met?
A couple of peeps around the world that I just met online... does that count?

Who did you wish you did not meet?
My insurance agent. Gah! Wish him hell, man!

Who was your best friend?
Was, is and forever, my friend - Hema.

Who was your enemy?
Jade Olivia! She has Tom Felton!

Who do you miss?
My ex-colleagues from my previous workplace.

Who will you never forget?
My poor kitten, Ron. *sniffs*

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009
People will keep talking until they're exhausted. But in the end, it's you who have to make a stand.

What will you always remember about 2009?
My Mum trying to force me desperately into a relationship with a guy! Ridiculous!

Aspirations for 2010...
What do you want to do in '10 that you couldn't in '09?
Get out of Singapore for a while... Too stressful.

Any resolutions?
No! I don't make resolutions because I'm not stupid!

What's different about 2009 than 2008?
A lot of tests thrown on to me by the Al Mighty. Never cried so much in my life.

Anything you want to change about yourself for 2010?
Be more independent with my finances.

Do you want to make more friends in 2010?
I'm the sort who loves my small group of friends. But I'm not opposed to getting to know new people. So yeah, definitely!


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