This is the same meme as last time, everyone... just, this time it focuses on all of my characters' PARTNERS.
Questions can be in character and answers WILL be in character.
Feel free to ask questions of:
Lalamon (Yoshino)
Leormon (Suguru)
BlackGabumon (Bass)
Falcomon (Aeolus)
Toadmon (Mario)
Commandramon (Yoko)
Labramon (Relena)
Kotemon (Kotemon)
Commandramon (Kouki)
Renamon (Naruto)
Piyomon (May)
Gurren / Shibamon (Viral)
Lopmon (Jun)
Phascomon (Duela)
KoKabuterimon (Junpei)
Chuumon (Videoman)
Lopmon (Ty Lee)
Kotemon (Jet)
Armadimon (Bulkhead)
Coronamon (Fefnir)
Seiko / Kudamon (Rumiko)