It's that time of the year when you heigh yourself off to the school bookstore to scour the aisles, driven by one burning purpose: you must read the introduction to the textbook before you get to class so that when the professor goes around the room asking everyone why they're taking the class you are not forced to turn to the person next to you
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Comments 23
(Woah, I just realized my phone is so low on batteries that I can't even turn it on.)
I quit school b/c I realized early childhood education isn't for me. and now I have a job at the JEWEL on main street in wheaton . today was my first day ^_^
are you still at COD? or did you transfer? I can't remember.
your classes sound fun...well except the math one....math and me don't mix....
I finally managed to get my Associates in the spring and I transferred to DePaul in the fall so I'm living in a dorm in Chicago now. My first quarter was a little hectic but it looks like this one is going to be a lot of fun.
I have a complicated relationship with math. I love trigonometry but algebra is sort of the bane of my existence. I managed to pass a year of calculus at COD but there were many tears and I was never really sure what I was doing.
I thought maybe I should be intimidated by discrete math because when I got to class it was full of math majors, but a lot of them don't seem to understand it very well, which gives me hope. If it's difficult for people who think like them, maybe it will be okay for people who think like me. So far it seems to be more about logic, which is good.
I remember the days of C++. I was not terribly talented at it. My teacher's name was Hoar.
I've been searching my memory, trying to figure out whether my C++ teacher is the first male African-American teacher I've ever had. Not that it's important, but it seems odd to me that that would be the case.
Hehe. Hoar. College professor, I hope? High school with that name could be very tiresome.
As for his experiences with the rest of the school, I can't say.
I find I actually miss the challenge of doing math problems sometimes. But without exams hanging over my head, it's hard to justify the effort.
My C++ class has voted that our class project will be to program an adventure game. Life is awesome.
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