Long time!

Nov 02, 2005 19:08

I haven't done a real update in, like, a month. This probably wont constitute as a real update, either, so don't get your hopes up. My apologies. ^__^

No, instead what I'm going to do is ask my wonderfully lovely flist to suffer through my spring semester decision making process.

Of course, this is mostly for me. Feel free to ignore me and/or give me pretty boyses to look at.


ART150: Constructions of Identity in the Visual Arts
Tues, Thurs 2-3:30
I like this because it's in the afternoon, but rumor has it that it's incredibly boring.

COMM107: Rhetoric, Film and National identity: Seminar in Writing and Rhetoric
Tues, Thurs 9:30-10:50
This sounds so fucking cool, and yet apparently you don't watch the films in class, but outside of it, on your own time, which would really suck. And it's at 9:30, boo.

ENG126:Genre Studies in Literature
Mon, Wed, Fri, 11-11:50
Just seems cool.

ENG120: Ideas on Stage
Mon, Wed, Fri; 9-9:50, 12-12:50, or 1-1:50
This is the one I really want, since the professor is my slash-friendly lit professor who's really awesome, but it fills quickly and I register on the last day. *kicks school*

CLSC120: Persuasion
Mon, Wed, Fri; 2-2:50
Another one that just looks cool.

THTR275: Theater Experience
Tues, Thurs; 11-12:20, or Mon, Wed, Fri; 1-1:50
I'd try for this if I couldn't get into the Ideas on Stage writing seminar, since I reallyreally want to take some sort of theater class, and this one goes into writing, directing, etc.

ENG202: Intro to Writing Fiction
Mon, Wed, Fri; 11-11:50 or 2-2:50
So that I could maybe work on fun kinds of writing, since analyitcal papers can suck my left foot.

ENG221: British Literature
Mon, Wed; 3-4:50
Because those crazy Brits have the best lit out there. ^^;

PSYC200: Human Sexuality
Tues, Thurs; 9:30-10:50
Dude. How cool would this class be? And they only offer it every three years, so this'd be my only chance to take it, but it's at 9:30. *groan*

REL312: The Apocalyptic Imagination
Mon, Wed; 3-4:20
Dudesocool. Except it's a 300 level course, so that's a little scary, and it's reading-intesive, which is a pain in the ass. Then again, most of these courses that I like are, so I'm fucked no matter what.

ECON221: History of Economic Thought
Tues, Thurs; 2-3:20
Not gonna lie, the only reason I want this one is because they'll study Ricardo, who is the most hilarious economist in the history of ever. "If you don't feed them, they wont make babies! Perfect way to regulate population growth!" Plus, my father wants me to take an econ class.

ART101: 2D or ART102: 3D
101: Mon, Wed; 8-10:50, 12:30-3:20, or Tues, Thurs 9-11-50
102: Tues, Thurs; 8-10:50, 3:30-6:20
If I want to take any kind of art class, I need to have already done either of these. I just don't know if I have the attention span to sit through a 3 hour art class. ^^;

Look! I finally made my Xan icon. *pets it*


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