Boys and girls, I have figured out how to explain this situation.
So if you'll kindly
continue reading...
The complexity of relationships is really quite a nonexistent quality. There is only simplicity in attempting to keep another person happy, especially when you love them. My past relationship, one that was quite meaningful to me, and as I have broken it down to myself, only me in the relationship, was a great experience in learning some useful things.
You see, in a relationship, there is no planned goal, achievement nor accomplishment, or end point. There is only the intention to keep another person happily by your side. If they are not happy, then you are not doing a good job. In my relationship, I was unhappy for quite some time. To me, it was because of my parents that I was experiencing this emotion. But in reality, it was because of my then significant other. Here is why:
Now, this shouldn't be hard to follow, but you'll have to wait to the end to see the whole answer to the question, "Why?"
Girls want to feel important to someone; they want to feel like they are the most significant person (not activity) in their boyfriend's life. That is what they want; it is what will make them happy. How does a male show a female that she is important to him? He shows her that he really cares for her, that he makes the effort to take time out of his life for her and to do things for her, even if he doesn't want to do them. Females that are really in love already do these things. They take time away from their friends to sometimes hang out with theirs, write them lots of cute notes, send tons of messages, call all the time, etc etc. They do everything, just to show that they are willing to make that kind of effort to be with you. It's quite admirable on a female's part.
I am a person who enjoys talking (whether in person, on the phone, or via AIM) with someone I deeply care about. It lets me get to know them on a deeper level. Simply hanging out with someone is just filling the time doing activities together. But talking lets you allow someone to reach within your soul through words and love that person within you as well. My ex-, however, wasn't a person who enjoyed talking. So, I sacrificed this almost completely. Even when I felt had no one to talk to, I could never go to even him because he did not like talking. And when I did make those attempts to go to him (as he had said, "I'm here for you, babe."), he would let his attention go to something else. He could never have known what was wrong, and therefore, could have never helped, and therefore, was never really there for me.
During my winter break, I had gone through some pretty rough times. When I had wanted to turn to my ex- to find comfort, I found none at all. He was too consumed in having a good time with his friends to even think of seeing if I was okay at all. My idea was that I was depressed from all of which I had been through with my parents. But, in all reality, it was that on top of feeling like the only person which I felt I could turn to, whom I loved deeply, did not feel I was important enough to make feel better.
As the year progressed, it never became apparent to me as it has in these past few days. But that was one of our biggest issues. When I told him he never showed he cared about me, he replied that he did not have to prove that he did. But saying to a female that you don't need to prove that you care about her shows that you don't care about her at all! Do not say this in any shape or form! IT IS DEPRESSING! You do need to prove to her that you care about her, because it shows that you think she is worth caring about; that she is IMPORTANT! What makes a woman happy? Feeling important to someone! Ah-ha! It's right there, all you need to do!
So you see, my ex- completely failed in doing this. It was quite ridiculous of me to have put up with it for so long, and I continue to question myself as to why I didn't take what oppurtunities I had to end it before he had used some constantly changing excuse to break up with me.
I've got to thank that old friend, who helped me realize, through her life and relationships, that real love is just so much better. Thanks ♥.
Right now, I am pretty content with the way things are going with my life.
The past few days have been quite pleasant.
Not only am I getting better at basketball, but I'm getting pretty sick in Halo, too.
I got my hair cut yesterday, by a lovely lady named Rosa at Professional Hair Cutters in Woodbridge Mall. It looks perfect, and even right after, boys in the mall were eye-fucking the hell out of me.
My aunt's birthday barbecue was a lot of fun, too. There were the usual people my age, and even a pretty cool new fellow. Plus, I shouted to mom, "Hey Ma'! Get us some beer!" and she actually did. There were only Heineken left, and I don't really like the taste, so Sweta drank mine while I had an iced tea. If only we had gotten to the Corona first...
I've also been eating the right amounts. Not sure if I've gained any weight, but considering I haven't been over-eating or under-eating, I don't see why it would continue to fluctuate.
I'm just generally in a good mood lately.
"All the dishes rattle in the cupboards when the elephants arrive."