Epiphanic Prison - Refers to the "cage " Lawrence trapped himself in after his time at the orphanage.
Go Mad From The Isolation - Lawrence isn't full on insane, but his nihilistic tendencies came from being trapped in his cage.
Love Epiphany - Lawrence towards Lilly. Enough said.
Rivals Team Up - Lawrence teaming up with Ezra because they both hate Oscar.
Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl - Refers to Lilly and Lawrence. Enough said. XD
Backstory - Pretty much everything about Lawrence relates to his backstory in some way. Does this really need to be explained?
Beneath the Mask - The so-called "mask of indifference" that Lawrence adopted and hates himself for.
Berserk Button - Pretty much everytime someone mentions Ezra in a positive way. (Or just mentions Ezra.)
Bookworm - Lawrence is reading a book in almost every. single. thread. he's in.
Dark and Troubled Past - Deaths of Lawrence's parents, the Orphanage, etc.
My Greatest Failure - Lawrence towards the demise of his parents.
Establishing Character Moment - The whole thread between Lilly and Lawrence. All of it.
Friendless Background - Lawrence at the very beginning had no friends. At all. He didn't even know anyone. At all. Enough said. XD
Hates Being Touched - Refers to Lawrence's hatred of being touched.
Kids Are Cruel - The Orphanage.
Sherlock Scan - It will happen. I swear it will.
They're Called Personal Issues for a Reason - Lawrence really doesn't want to talk about his parents. Or the Orphanage. Or about how he's adopted. Or his cage. And most of all, Lawrence really, really, really, really does not want to talk about why he hates Ezra.