So, this is what it's like to be me. I learn how to do cognitive profiles in Educational Psychology class and my immediate reaction is "oh sweet, now I can better understand how my characters think!" not, "oh sweet, now I can understand why I'm so socially awkward" or "oh man, I can use this to help people around me!" Nope. My first, initial thought is to cognitively profile all of my characters so I'm going to go ahead and do that thing I just said now.
Since Lawrence is the first character I ever put some deep actual thought into I figured that it's only natural he gets to go first. The scale will be from 1 to 10, 1 being the highest and 10 being the lowest. Cognitively speaking, the fields that we'll be measuring are as follows:
Linguistic intelligence
Spatial intelligence
Environmental intelligence
Musical intelligence
Kinesthetic intelligence
Logical/mathematical intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence (we all know how THIS is going to go)
Intrapersonal intelligence
So, without further ado, let's get this massive tribute to boredom over with. :D
We'll start off with Lawrence's linguistic intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is defined as one's ability to use language, and psychologically speaking this is generally what we view as most vital in society. That being said, Lawrence rates about a 2 here. He's by no means linguistically gifted (which I suppose would be about a one) but he is definitely above average for his age. The amount of words he knows compared to his fellow students vastly outclasses others, and he's able to use them in coherent ways. Now if only he could use this to stop him from jumping to so many insane conclusions all the time.
Moving right along, we'll go to spatial intelligence. Spatial intelligence is defined as one's ability to comprehend space in everyday life, which means that if you can manipulate things or draw or whatever, then you probably have pretty good spatial intelligence. Here, I would say Lawrence probably rates about a 6. He's by no means artistically gifted, and most of his gifts in this area he will actually display through his organizational skills. He's also not really spacey so he can't rate a clear 10.
Next up is environmental intelligence. Environmental intelligence involves spatial intelligence, but it also calls one's ability to understand one's environment into question. Shockingly, Lawrence rates about a 4 here. While he has little spatial intelligence, he is able to discern whether or not an environment is safe for him to be in by taking into account the number of people who are in it with him. He is also able to find his way around places without getting lost very easily, and is able to discern harmful environments from safer ones.
Musical intelligence comes next. Unsurprising to all, Lawrence's musical intelligence is about an 8. He's actually really lousy in this area. At one point in his life, Lawrence did try to learn the piano from Heinrich and a personal tutor but he came to discover that he was by no means a prodigy or even at all musically capable. He also has lousy taste in music but that's more or less irrelevant to measuring intelligence.
Kinesthetic intelligence is next up on the list, and Livejournal is telling me I spelled that word wrong which is all too possible but whatever. We'll ignore Livejournal for now. This has to do with movement of all sorts; athletic, dance, etc. It's kind of hard to say how Lawrence rates here because he's athletic by no means, but he's accustomed to walking most places considering he is absolutely terrified of vehicles and he also carries himself well. So I'd have to give him a justifiable 4 here for that reason. However, do not expect Lawrence to be dancing at any point because that would just be silly. He's too elegant to dance.
Next comes logical and mathematical intelligence, which relates to numbers (aka money). Surprisingly, Lawrence has a lot of this which I did not expect simply because I never saw Lawrence as a person who was particularly good with math. But if you don't have a lot of this, you often make poor monetary decisions and Lawrence seldom ever makes any of those badly. Not to mention, he is rarely ever broke. So I am giving him about a 3 here.
The best part comes now: interpersonal intelligence. This is defined as how well someone relates to others and how they relate to them. Without even thinking, this is an automatic 10. Lawrence is extremely awkward socially and he does not relate easily to any of the people around him. He is also routinely offensive in conversation and seldom knows what is and is not appropriate within the social context of the word.
And finally, we come to the crux of it all: intrapersonal intelligence, or being able to understand oneself (authenticity and personas). Oddly enough, Lawrence gets about an 8 here. He really doesn't know very much about himself that hasn't been dictated to him in some way by his life experiences and the traumatic loss he went through when his parents were killed and he had to grow up in the hell that was his orphanage. While he has confined himself to a prison of his own making, he does not even fully comprehend why it is that he created it. Does this mean that Lawrence puts on personas? (Is this a pun in a Persona game?)
Not necessarily. If anything, I think of it more as a purposeful mental block which may have been brought about due to his dissociative (another word Livejournal says I spelled wrong but we're going to ignore LJ again) nihilistic side. Because really, who cares about the reason when you deem there to be no hope to improve the situation in general?
And thus ends Lawrence's cognitive profile. But because I'm so fascinated by this, I have also compiled a graph out of boredom.
I made this in about 5 minutes in Paint, so please make fun do not make fun of my inability to draw straight lines XD.
Annnd... that about covers that. Overall, Lawrence is pretty much a mixed bag when it comes to intelligence. He excels in a few areas, though fails in most. Which... explains why he's so awkward most of the time, I suppose.
Anyway. I hope you enjoyed this analysis that I compiled out of boredom. I enjoyed making it.