Title: Almost Legally Blonde
Pairing: Kyomoto Taiga x Tanaka Juri
Summary: AU where dyeing your hair blonde is only for legal age.
"Konnichiwa~" Taiga greeted politely as he entered the Tanaka household. He received a message from Juri a few hours ago asking him to go to his house for a bit. He was curious cause Juri sent the same message for a bunch of times that he thought maybe something's happened to Juri.
Taiga brought a box of doughnuts and gave it to Juri's mom before he excused himself and went to Juri's room upstairs.
"Juri~ I'm here" Taiga knocked. He leaned when no one opened the door after some minutes.
"I'm coming in okay?' he turned the knob and opened the door to step inside. He closed the door and when he turned around, there's a person in front of him, back turned against him with a bright yellow hair.
Taiga blinked.
"Wha--" The sight makes his eyes burn. The yellow crowned person turned with a huge grin plastered on his face.
Taiga's jaw drops.
"Jyajyan~! What do you think?" Juri proudly protruded his chest out. He could see Taiga was dumbfounded so he stepped closer and flicked Taiga's forehead.
"Tsk I thought you'd like my hair color this time" he pouted annoyed at Taiga's reaction.
Taiga just stood still taking in the sight of Juri.
'Shit. This is the worst. That hair looks SO terrible on him but i'm finding it cute. And he's so cute being annoyed like that.' Taiga thought to himself.
Taiga tried to suppress his laugh but a low chuckle still escaped and Juri pouted more, flopping on his bed in annoyance.
"GO H.O.M.E." he threw a pillow at Taiga. Taiga just laughed and catches it before flopping beside Juri.
"It looks...really bright. What were you thinking? Pft"
"You. I wanted to have the same hair color when i turn twenty just like you now." Juri said a matter-of-fact-ly. Taiga blinked and his heart fluttered at the boy beside him.
"Don't use me as an excuse. But hey. That color is really terrible on you. But somehow.." Taiga leaned and stroked Juri's hair.
"..it looks cute." Juri isn't satisfied at all by Taiga's answer.
"Also, you're not yet twenty so this is illegal for you." He pinched Juri's cheeks.
"I'm twenty in three days! I'm legally blonde!" Juri protested. Taiga laughed heartily at how cute Juri is.
"Almost Juri. Almost legally blonde." He teased more before he leaned in and kissed Juri softly. Juri pulled away a bit.
"Hey, that's illegal. I'm not yet twenty you said.."
"When you're legal, you'll know that this is nothing compared to what we could legally do" Taiga smirked as he teased Juri. Taiga kissed him again.
Between them, Taiga is the one who couldn't wait for Juri to be legal.
a/n: this isnt the drabble i was supposed to write orz whatever. Juri is so uke here so cute xD