CHALLENGE: Candidate for fiancé Legacy Challenge!

Feb 28, 2009 20:33

I've been working on an idea for a Legacy Challenge. It's still a bit rough so I haven't started playing it yet; but here are the basic rules! It's called CANDIDATE FOR FIANCE CHALLENGE and basically; the fiance for each heir is chosen via the relationship they have with the family; and an heir is chosen according to their "quality". 

You’ve got royal blood in you and are descent from a long line of princes and princesses. Your people have specific customs that they live by and you; in your new neighbourhood; are determined to continue living by those standards.  Firstly; your heir’s will have their fiancé’s picked for them; and heir’s will be picked according to their all-round abilities.

….::::THE RULES::::….


1.       Your FOUNDER is considered Generation Zero. (This is mainly because there is nobody to choose the candidate’s for fiancé for them; therefore they are the only generation who gets to pick their spouse). You will play up to Generation 10; as usual.

2.       You may create your founder in any way you see fit (gender, eye colour, hair colour, etc) but they MUST be a Family Sim.

3.       Move them into a 5x5 lot. Pick out an Heirloom.


1.       Heirs in this legacy are NOT chosen according to their good looks.

2.       Heirs are chosen once they become an adult.

3.       Heirs are chosen according to whoever has the most skill points, the best relationship with their mother and father, the highest points in their OTH, the best school grades, and the most reward points. Overall; the child who has achieved the most before becoming a teenager.

4.       If you’re sending your kids to University then you pick an Heir when they graduate.

5.       ALL HEIRS must have gone to PRIVATE SCHOOL (we are royalty here people!)

6.       Now here’s the part you need to focus on! All children that your founder/heir has must have a best friend who is their “Petite Soeur” (little sister) or “petite frère” (little brother) and these friends become the Candidates for fiancé for the heir.

For Example: You have three children. Those three children have a “best friend” resulting in three potential Candidate’s for fiancé.

7.       Heirs must have their portraits painted with the Family Heirloom once becoming adults.

8.       Once an Heir has been chosen all other children move out and fiancé moves in.


As you’ve probably realized by now; Candidate’s for Fiancé will usually start out as children like your heir’s and will probably be kids they bring home from school. Keep in mind your children CAN have Soeur’s and Frère’s that are teenagers or adults; as long as they have (or build) a great relationship with that Sim.  A Soeur and Frère are determined by being “Best friends” or “BFF” with that Sim.

1.       Candidate’s for fiancé can only be “petite soeur’s” and “petite frère’s”.

2.       The fiancé is chosen according to the highest relationship they have with the future-heir’s MOTHER. (Since all candidates could potentially have the same wondrous relationship with her; as a secondary option include the father; or whole family if you have too. Candidates should NOT have crushes or be in love with the mothers if they are adults. Platonic only.)

3.       Candidates for fiancé cannot live with your Legacy Family before an Heir and Fiancé are chosen.

4.       Soeur’s and Frère’s CAN be found in University; but this is extremely difficult since you’ll need to bring your Mother over constantly to build up a relationship between them. I would not suggest leaving candidate’s this late; but do what you like.

5.       Candidates for fiancé can only be a candidate ONCE. Then never again.


1.       All female members of the household do not go to work; as is their birth right and tradition. (You may choose for them to have a job though if their LTW is Career Based; but if you do they MUST have five or above children.) They can do home based activities to make money such as writing novels, digging, painting etc…

2.       If your Founder is female this same rule applies.

3.       You cannot have one child and automatically have that child as heir. As a minimum two children in each generation are required; since the number of Candidate’s for Fiancé is the same number as your children.

4.       Give your Founder a Family Heirloom. This can be anything! It could be a painting; a statue; a flower pot; something you dug up in the garden etc. Make sure this item is put in a safe spot so your heirs can have their portrait painted with it.


1.       If your Heir dies; the legacy continues with the second best qualified child marrying the original fiancé.

2.       If an heir’s chosen fiancé dies they cannot marry anyone else (including candidate’s).

3.       If the chosen fiancé dies and they had only one child then the heir is free to have ONE more child with a previous candidate.  If for some magical reason they have twins; choose one and ignore the other. The “other” cannot have petite Soeur’s or Frère’s and are labelled the Black Sheep. (Oh the tragedy associated with that!)

4.       NO HAVING CHILDREN BEFORE YOU’RE MARRIED. If this happens; there’s no chance for that person to become an heir. (This applies to those with InTeen mainly).

5.       Once you’re an elder you don’t work. Why should you? You’re royalty after all! Spouses may continue to work if you want them too.


Start with 1000 points.

You will deduct/add marks when you fail/complete rules or certain things happen.

+5 points for each generation with over 5 children.

-5 points for each generation with only 2 children.

-50 points each time a potential heir/family member dies unnaturally (fire, electrocution etc).

-80 points each time an heir or potential heir has a child before marriage.

-20 points if your female Sims get a job. If she gets fired then gets another job (even if it’s the same one) that’s another -20.

+50 if a female sim with a LTW in a Career reaches her LTW.

-10 points if a Candidate for fiancé or spouse dies.

+5 points for heirs who went to University. (The Heir only; not every other child).

-100 points for every child that does not have a Petite Soeur or Petite Frère

-10 for each heir with a portrait that DOESN’T contain the Family Heirloom.

+10 for each heir with a portrait that DOES contain the Family Heirloom.

-10 if a candidate for fiancé has romantic feelings (or makes a pass) at the Mother/Father.

+ 5 points for having a Vampire in the family that’s the same gender as your founder. (You can only get these points once)

+5 points for having a werewolf in the family that’s the same gender as your founder. (You can only get these points once)

+5 points for having a witch/warlock in the family that’s the same gender as your founder. (You can only get these points once)

+5 points for a Plant Sim in the family that’s the same gender as your founder. (You can only get these points once)

+5 for an Alien Baby born by a MALE HEIR that’s the same gender as your founder. (You can only get these points once)

-200 points if your family heirloom gets stolen!

-20 points for each child that never went to private school.

-100 points for an heir that didn’t go to private school.

-50 points for a Black Sheep.

+20 points if an Heir is the same sex as your Founder.

-10 if your Founder isn’t a family sim.

If you end up with over 700 points left; you win your Candidate for Fiancé Challenge!

cff challenge

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