OMGOMGOMG *gasps* i cant say THANK YOU enough <333 you'd prolly see my squees coming thru the screen right now >0< this one is like ten folds crazier and funnier than i've ever expected LMAO
> there's a big cosplay convention in progress right to the point, Ikkaku!
i've done quite a few djs scanlation and to me the editing/lettering is the hardest part. Congrats to your first time!!!!
Haha, yes I saw that tiny preview pic on that doujinka's site and I had to get my hands on it and it was heaps funnier and crazier than I had predicted. But all the characters reactions are surprisingly in character!
LOL thanks! Given how much effort this took, I'm having second thoughts about scanlating something else lol. It's a lot of work!
Comments 43
i cant say THANK YOU enough <333 you'd prolly see my squees coming thru the screen right now >0< this one is like ten folds crazier and funnier than i've ever expected LMAO
> there's a big cosplay convention in progress
right to the point, Ikkaku!
i've done quite a few djs scanlation and to me the editing/lettering is the hardest part.
Congrats to your first time!!!!
LOL thanks! Given how much effort this took, I'm having second thoughts about scanlating something else lol. It's a lot of work!
SOOO GOOOOD. Thank you ♥
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