
Nov 23, 2004 20:10

people say monney does not buy happiness, but i look at my family and our lack of money and the fact that most of us hate eachother and i wonder, if money doesnt buy happiness and being poor makes u hate ur own family then where is there happiness??? but most of the things that make would make me happy in life involve money canging hands. so where ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

black_flames November 23 2004, 20:19:06 UTC
i am not rich but i am rich in friends and love... i love you (non-sexual way) and you have friends... so be happy DAMNIT

... )


isthisbs November 23 2004, 21:51:50 UTC
ya i no i do have friends like u and i am greatful for that but theres things that i just want like a cars, things i feel will make me happy but theres no money to but them


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