Edit: Ok, so I annoyed myself with the length of this damn thing.
[o1] If you got married to the last person you kissed, what would your new last name be?
*blinks* hahahahaha, I can't remember the last person I kissed o.O
[o2] What did you do this afternoon?
I was lazy as hell and did nothing.
[o4] Can you take a bra off with one hand?
[o5] Can you use chopsticks?
If I want to.
[o6] How old were you when you lost your first tooth?
I have no idea.
[o7] When was the last time you got flowers?
....Never really have.
[o8] Who was the last person you laid in bed with?
My cat.
[o9] Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
I have no fucking clue.
[1o] Why did you throw up last?
I was sick.
[11] Last time you were on the phone?
About 20 minutes ago.
[12] Ever been to the Statue of Liberty?
[13] When was the last time you cried and why?
Quite sometime ago, and I'm not telling.
[14] How many e-mail addresses do you have?
Three...no, wait. Four.
[15] If your face was as ugly as a clown would you hide in your room everyday?
Fuck no.
[16] Last time you washed your hair?
This morning.
[17] Where will you be sleeping tonight?
In my bed, probably with a stuffed animal.
[18] Do you like Oreos?
[19] Do you send out Thank-You cards?
Only if I have to.
[2o] Can you ice skate?
[21] Do you have a brother?
[22] Do you know how to change a diaper?
[23] Do you flip people off while driving?
Don't drive, but I flip people off anyway. And I give hitch-hikers a thumbs up everytime I see one. I've lost trackof the peopel who have flipped me off for that.
[24] Have you ever kissed someone who smokes?
[25] How many people do you trust 100% and tell everything to?
[26] Why do you trust these people?
[27] Do you go to church?
[28] Do you like to grocery shop?
[3o] Last time you cleaned?
A week or so ago.
[33] What's the last sporting event you watched?
[34] Do you do your own laundry?
[37] Last person you talked to on the phone for over an hour?
....Er. Sydney? Maybe. Probably not.
[38] Do you take out the trash?
[39] who did you hang out with last night?
[41] Which one of your friends is going to have the cutest baby?
All of them.
[42] Status?
Only answer True or False
Q- Kissed someone on your friends list?
A- True
Q- Been taken home by cops?
A- False.
Q- Do you like someone?
A- False.
Q- Held a snake?
A- True.
Q- Been suspended from school?
A- True.
Q- Been fired from a job?
A- True.
Q- Sang karaoke?
A- True.
Q- Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
A- True.
Q- Laughed until you started crying?
A- True.
Q- Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
A- True
Q- Kissed in the rain?
A- True.
Q- Sang in the shower?
A- True.
Q- Sat on a roof top?
A- True.
Q- Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
A- True.
Q- Broken a bone?
A- True.
Q- Shaved your head?
A- False (sadly enough)
Q- Played a prank on someone?
A- True
Q- Shot a gun?
A- True-ish. It was a toy gun.
Q- Donated Blood?
A- True.
"Who was your last?"
just be 100% truthful
.001_ You hung out with? people from school.
.002_ You texted? no one?
.003_ You were in a car with? no car.
.004_ Went to the movies with? its been like, 3 years.
.005_ You talked to on the phone? Step-father.
.006_ Made you laugh? iCarly.
.007_ You hugged? youngest sister
.001_ Pierce your nose or tongue? tongue
.002_ Die in a fire or get shot? fire.
* Sun or moon? moon.
* Winter or Fall? winter
* Left or Right? right
* Sunny or rainy? rainy
* Where do you live? Ontario.
* Are there 1 or 2 people in your life you can trust and rely on? No.
* Do you want to get married? No.
* Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl.
* What time is it? 11:00pm
* Are you afraid of commitment? Yes
* What is your greatest hope/wish? to die quickly.
* Do you cook? yes
* Current mood? decent
* Kissed someone? no
* Sang? no
* Listened to music? yes
* Seen someone you care a lot about? sure
* Danced Crazy? no
* Cried? no
* Like someone you can't have? *smirks*
16 FIRSTS .....
UN- Who was your first roommate? never had a roommate
DEUX- What was your first job? file sorter.
TROIS- What was your first car? none
QUATRE- When did you go to your first funeral and viewing? never been, I think.
CINQ- Who was your first grade teacher? Ms. Art.
SEPT- Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Quebec. (I was one)
HUIT- Who was your first Best Friend? Er...
DIX- Where was your first sleepover? Er...
ONZE- Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? No one.
DOUZE- Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid or groomsman? ....
TREZE- What is the first thing you do in the morning? Roll over and go back to sleep for another 10 minutes.
QUATORZE- First tattoo or piercing? Pierced my ears.
QUINZE- First crush? Bite me.
SEIZE- curent crush? ....Bite me x 2