Name; Mandy
Age: 16 and a half!
Experience: N-none, really
dire_ire@hotmail.com OOC INFO
Nation; Republic of Turkey
Name; Sadiq Annan
Nicknames; Phantom of the Opera None
Age; 29
Birthdate: October 29th, 1981
Hometown: Istanbul, Turkey
Occupation: Eurasian Goods Store salesclerk
Residential Area: Oceanview
Family: Suleiman (Father)
First Impression: “What’s up with his mask? Is he trying to get a part in the Phantom of the Opera or something?”
1. The Mask; When Sadiq was entering puberty, he had a slight problem with acne. Slight being that it covered all of his face in a rather bad case of the pimples. It came to the point when the local children would tease him cruelly about his appearance, and he became extremely self-conscious about his looks. To combat the problem, he first tried to stay indoors for the rest of his life. That of course, didn’t work too well so he adopted a mask that covered the top half of his face. Even when the problem completely went away and left him with rather handsome features, he remained paranoid and refuses to remove it.
2. The Evil Eye; Sadiq is not generally a believer in spirits, however, believe that wearing the Eye will bring him good fortune. It is to him like the American Dream Catcher - instead of dreams, though, it wards of bad luck. He is found constantly carrying a necklace with the Eye on it almost as much as his mask. Sadiq is always quick to leave an area if the glass breaks or cracks for no apparent reason, often saving him from a would-be disaster.
3. The Jerk from Greece (Or, that Greasy Jerk)
Rat Fink
Enigmatic (in a not so good way)
Once, while traveling through Greece, Sadiq had the misfortune of happening across a man name Hercules. Their encounter turned out to be not quite so pleasant. Downright ugly, in fact, when Sadiq attempted to strangle him after a provoking comment. Needless to say that Sadiq has never quite forgiven what happened to the meeting - or the ones that consequently followed on a return trip to finish up some business. Now that he has moved to America, Sadiq is sure that there is no way he can be close that guy again. Ever.
4. Terrorism; Please, please do not call Sadiq a terrorist, or even imply that he might be. Not only because he is not but because he finds it an insult to Turkey and himself to be lumped with the rest of the Middle East. Doing so can result in a trip and a very loooong stay at the hospital. Sadiq finds it rather frustrating when Turkey, a country that has mainly stayed out from the war and terrorism is being put into the same category as his extremist brethren.
5. Competition; Sadiq absolutely loves to compete in team sports, particularly football (The European kind, thank you). Unfortunately for Sadiq, he has a bad habit of being on the losing side no matter what game he picks, although he is a very good player. While he takes losses eagerly, he can easily get angry if it’s rubbed into his face, which can result in a brawl on-field.
6. Persuasiveness; Sadiq is very good at persuading to do things he wants, especially when it comes to being a salesman. At a young age he learned the skills to be a convincing salesman, always able to put just the right words together and apply the pressure for the client to buy whatever he happens to be offering. If the product were to be good, this wouldn’t be such a problem, but more often than not he sells items that really are not of good quality, which leads to very angry customers and the threat of having a lawsuit against him.
7. Hobbies; In his spare time (preferably when no one is looking) Sadiq will sit down at a loom to weave a new rug for his home (or for a friend). He isn’t an expert at it, but he is decent and very confident of his skill. Even better than the loom, though, is when he sits down at his potter’s wheel in the backroom and sculpt something beautiful from a chunk of clay. Both items can be seen displayed proudly in his home for all to see.
8. Alcohol; Sadiq, already friendly, becomes even more cheerful when under the influence. He is not one to prohibit although he does not drink all the time. He doesn’t care too much about what kind of alcohol it is, as long as it is alcohol. American pisswater, French wine, or Russian vodka, it is all the same.
9. Children; Since he is single and has no children of his own, Sadiq is rather fond of the neighborhood kids. Many of the children are wary (for obvious reasons) but those who venture close enough often find themselves with pieces of jewelry and candy. Several times the police have been called on him because he’s been suspected of being a child molester or something of the sort. It’s been rather discouraging, but he hasn’t given up hope yet.
10. Grudge Against Italians; Sadiq doesn’t really have a personal grudge against Italians - in fact, he rather likes them. However, it seems every time he’s close to gaining control of something - whether the game he is playing, stocks in a certain company, or pretty much anything, they are there. Turning the game around or buying out more stocks, they stop all ventures into the realm of the powerful. With this in mind, he tries his best to avoid any and all Italians. You know, just in case.
The Secret
Kitties; Sadiq would never, ever admit it openly, but he has a soft spot for any cat he finds, no matter where it be, it’s temperament, or the color of fur. While he has no desire to get a cat of his own, he always has a treat in a pocket so he can give when he stumbles upon a cat. It can be rather embarrassing when he’s found, cooing and petting over a cat, but really, he just can’t help it. It isn’t rare to find stray cats lounging around the outside of his home, waiting for him to put out more food.