I went into kitchen today. And what is the first thing I see there?
There are like... six of them. In the pot. No, not that kind of pot.
I bet Mio's more than delighted right now. Oh, the name 'delighted' just reminded me of 'delightful children' on "Kids Next Door". Dude, it has been long time ago since I have watched those series!
Andandand, oh my god, right next to my house, six stories down, ten meters forward and then ten meters to the left there's Mārtiņa Beķereja DOUGHNUTS. I've been there three times these two weeks, eaten 15 doughnuts total. And then, when I say to myself - I won't eat doughnuts for a week!- my dad appeared. Guess what he had taken with him.
Oh yes, the sweet tasty goodness. I can't get enough of these, seriously.
Now I need to wash my hair and get outside to take the pictures I promised to take yesterday. Not that I'm doing it for anyone, since I haven't friended anyone, but I guess that's for my own comfort.