Good morning.
I've just been waked up by the loud voice of my dad, who was talking through the phone. Exactly in the same room I sleep. Now isn't that fabulous?
But it wasn't only from dad. I received a call from Roberts who said he can't meet me today to give the book back after all, and I was having a really unpleasant nightmare. You know, the kind which you remember, even after you wake up.
I know the storyline was rather stupid - I was walking around the district where I used to live, bump into my mother which asks were do I live now and shit, but I don't reply to her. Then I see Jānis (my brother), who starts trembling and having those sick, sick eyes filled with anger and insanity. Then, suddenly, a Russian homeless person goes to, gets dad and Margarita (my sis) and me as hostages, type and tie us up with old pieces of blankets, laugh about the fact help doesn't come, even if we managed to call at one point, and give us many oranges (like, about 3 BIG bags), pears and watermelons. And in the middle of all this they start robbing our house, but I tell them, "No, wait, you can't take this, we need that!" and they really don't take it, so I trick them into taking the most unwanted things with them.
wut, srsly.
Even though, I felt so scared when I woke up. Kind of anxious too. But I think my dad feels way worse than I do, because he got the divorce papers in mail 2 days ago. I'm actually kind of happy of that, because he won't have to get associated with that woman again, nor be called as his husband, and, if asked, of course, I'll be able to casually reply "they're divorced" instead of explaining all that situation, when my dad lives in another flat with one part of the family, after answering to question why did he actually move and and shit.
I've never remembered time when my dad was together with mother. Maybe 2 times, when I was just a mere five years old. His only worry is our summer residence in Zvejniekciems, because of the property settlement, but it gives him lots of grief.
Which explains why I woke up of the telephone call. He was talking to his mom about all this situation. Over and over again. That's what he's been talking about these two days.
Yesterday was so nice, man! My day started in a rather ordinary manner - I yawned, used comp for a while, started cleaning house (well... maybe this is the point where my day ENDED the ordinary manner, haha) until I got bored, so I went to second-hand shop and got a lovely dress and a cute shirt with a hoodie. Since I was limited with money, I was standing there, choosing, which one to take, when I decided to come up to the shop assistant and ask, "Sorry, can you stop my dilemma? Which one should I choose?"
She looked at the dresses with a rather inspecting look and replied friendly, "Well, I think the dress is nicer! It's good for the season and all."
"Ah, okay, I'll take that one then.
"Wait," she interrupted, "you know what? Take both of these." She noticed my confused expression and continued, "I'll make a discount! It's not like anybody will care over that, right?"
^ which was SO nice. I'll be grateful to her for eternity, haha.
Then, I met up with my very dear
blueberryshisha Karlīne spontaneously because we wanted to find some cheap/dubious, yet CERTAIN marijuana T-shirts. We didn't find it in the end, but we found a place in tirgus (like, marketplace), where those shirts MIGHT be. So we'll definitely go raiding around tirgus again sometime and get what our hearts are lusting for.
We also went in a really nice and isolated backyard and helped ourselves with beer (I poured it in Karlīne's bottle from the 3l bottle I had home ;D) and DŽONS which was sponsored by Karlīne. I know it's not much, but we became a little bit tipsy in the end, haha.
Oh, and we ate cherries! And listened to two Russian 60-year-olds cursing all the time and then asking us for some money. xD But it was an awesome meeting either way!
And even after that, my sister came back from her trip to London. She bought loads of stuff, really.
I got awesome rosey-tights, shoes from Viktorija, my other sis, which type I've wanted for a while and these cute sunglasses.
Come on, they're cute, right?
And some more tights.
She also gave me the natural pepsi or something of that kind which I haven't tasted yet. But that's going to change! ;D
What else? I was browsing through shisha forums and shit, and I got a sudden urge to smoke it, even if I do it quite often. But I was out of tobacco (Karlīne said, the last bits of Al Sultan tobacco tasted like MUSHROOMS, man xD). I asked my dad if I can setup the shisha and he was like, "Fine, but do you have tobacco and such?" whereas I replied with a straight no. With a slight sarcasm in his voice, he asked, "And were are you going to find one at 21:51?"
The answer lies one block to the left of my house, where is a tobacco house and of which my dad wasn't aware of.
So this is the result.
What else? Well, the REALLY long GTA: San Andreas multiplayer setup has to be mentioned too.
I don't know why, but most of the games I have crash a lot. So what does Ark do? Starts fixing things! He spent a really long time with that, where I asked myself a question - "How does he have patience for all this?" during all the process. But in the end SA:MP is working now, so I'll be able to play it!
I've got to get some skills on that game because I don't feel comfortable playing multiplayer game, where I'm a total n00b and do stupid shit and all. xD
Well, I'm feeling really sleepy now, so I might as well drink my natural pepsi? Hope it will boost some of energy! But I'd like to have a sleep though.
Good morning,
Good evening,
Good bye.
Good night?