I love it when these things just pop up in your inbox. A very amusing way to pass 5 minutes!
Once again, The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly neologism contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternative meanings for common words.
I get sent the most amusing of things. This is the latest, I really have moments where the brain mouth filter doesn't work and things like this do unfortunately come out. I do have some real favourties - can you guess which ones...
Not being allowed to watch you-ya-tube at work, I can't say if this is a transcript or not, but I did like this! Minor amendments to improve the English Translation, but this is definitely in the same vein.
You know when you watch or read something and you just can't stop laughing / snorting / sniggering (delete as appropriate) and everyone else just gives you really weird looks, well...