The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
What is
panic3047's fantasy?
To find Namu on the train he can stare at her.
dogcatcher: ninja, pirate, monkey, or robot?
greenchocolate leave the stove on again?
I'll go light a match and check.
How many people has
theycallmebooz seduced?
Flaunting his sheild with a cock in a circle with a line through it...not many.
How long have you known
Since the first dragon was born.
What is the most insightful thing you have heard
danceinthecloud say?
Something along the lines of "I want sex."
What would
fallensun like to do for a living?
Sell her body on eBay under Asian Sweeties.
What would
uberspoons and
undisklosedkris inherit from
roc_amor's will?
The love of a thousand orphans.
hotcocoathunder and
sentimentslost were superheroes, which one would be the sidekick?
Niether. Brittany would freak out and become a recluse never to be seen again, and Jakub would end up confusing his heat vision with x-ray vision countless times. He would then be traumatized by killing Chasitity and fly into space.
What does
topbreeder spend the most time doing?
Admiring her dyke haircut.
me_in_my_box ever amount to anything?
He'll become a great cardiac surgeon and find some woman worthy of his attention.
Why shouldn't
elizapants and
like_afox be a couple?
I never said they shouldn't.
beachbaby3703 look better with long hair?
Whom does
thesecondverse get along best with?
wickedaerialist hiding under your bed right now?
Probably not. Yeah, probably not.
What habit does
zigstar have that you think they should give up?
The mood swings.
zeilappeal be better described as a hero or a villian?
What hobby do you think
oopsydaisy123 should take up?
Not being a whore.
Where did
caprice3lives leave the remote?
We don't even need to go there.
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
Do you feel enlightened now?