A lot of supplemental info not given in the movie was taken from the
Atlantis timeline. :)
Name: Milo James Thatch
Age: 32
Distinguishing/Hidden features: A tattoo in the shape of a starburst on his left shoulder.
Style: Clean, proper, and professional! Bowties...bowties everywhere.
Greatest flaw: Milo tends to overthink things that would otherwise be considered simple.
Best quality: He is eternally optimistic, and when he sets his mind on defending what he believes is right, he never wavers.
Character's Financial/Social Situation: It goes up and down depending on whether he's been hired or not. Most of his money goes to funding his research, though, so he tends to just have enough money to survive comfortably.
Educational Background: Milo graduated from high school at the age of 11, went to Harvard after turning down Princeton and Yale, and was tenured at Oxford and got a double doctorate in Linguistic Theory and Dead Languages when he was 14. BASICALLY HE'S A FUCKING GENIUS GODDAMN
Family & Relationships:
Augustus and Rose Thatch: Milo's parents died in a railway accident when he was 3 years old. He never really knew them, and the only memories he has of them are very, very hazy. While he still wonders what it would've been like to grow up with them, he considers his grandfather his real "parent".
Thaddeus Thatch: Milo's grandfather and guardian. Milo admires him more than any other person he's ever known or known of, and his greatest wish is to be just like, if not better, than he was. Grandpa Thatch instilled a love for language and other cultures in Milo very early on.
Kidagakash Nedakh: Though he's still a little skittish around her from time to time because her views on personal space are a little different, Milo, in his heart, truly loves her. Her curiosity inspires him, and he's completely taken with her culture and people. (But not as taken as he is with Kida herself.)
Helga Sinclair: Helga...confuses him. They've developed a strange relationship--it's way past associate, but he hasn't quite broken through the wall that will allow her to call him a friend. Milo genuinely cares about Helga and sees that there is a good person behind everything, but he doesn't always see eye to eye with her actions and beliefs.
Lyle Rourke: FUCK YOU ROURKE GTFO MY SCHOOL Milo doesn't hate Rourke. He knows that he's...somehow atoned for his actions, but there is a lot of mistrust for him. Seeing as how he was perfectly willing to commit genocide and throw his partner off a balloon. Right now, his only objective is to avoid him as much as possible so he doesn't have to deal with him. He wants nothing to do with him at all anymore, really.
Audrey and the rest of the Atlantis crew: Milo will always see them as comrades and friends. <3
Character's Spiritual/Religious Beliefs: While Milo is open-minded enough to accept the existence of other supernatural beings besides the Judeo-Christian God (you'd be too after seeing that magic crystal), he's officially Episcopalian.
Any Mental Illnesses? Nope! Unless you count being unnecessarily smart.
How does Character see himself/herself? A gentleman and a scholar! ...though he does slip up on some things from time to time.
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? A crackpot. :( He's always worried that people think he's crazy, and it gives him a lot of joy when people are willing to listen to what he has to say.
How would others describe your Character? A dork. Clumsy. Intelligent. Annoying. Sweet. Too idealistic. Stubborn. Cat thief.
What is the spine of your character? Though he's a klutz and a dork, he's really got a lot of guts! He's not to be underestimated!
What is the mental process of your character? Milo thinks about everything very deeply, considering every option and possibility at length. Unfortunately, this makes him sometimes miss little things.
What would most embarrass this character? Screwing up a translation or a map. Those are things that he's supposed to be an expert at--what kind of scholar is he if he can't get that sort of thing right?
What does the character want out of life? The freedom to discover and to learn, and the knowledge that he's done his grandfather proud. (And maybe a bit of love, too. Hello Atlantean princess)
What would the character like to change in his/her life? While Milo's not cowardly, he's a bit...wimpy. He sometimes wishes that he could be as strong on the outside as he is on the inside.
What motivates this character? JUSTICE! okay well maybe not exactly. Milo works toward the greater good! He wishes that everyone in the world could be open-minded enough to understand each other and gain knowledge from each other. He also wants to honor the memory of his grandfather, who was and always will be his inspiration.
What frightens this character? getting punched by Audrey Failure. And loud, scary monsters.
What makes this character happy? Learning new things. Being allowed to ramble. Books. Maps. Architecture and things that are historically relevant. Friends. Kida. <3
Food: Sunday roast
Color: Forest green
Season of the year: Fall
Movie: Ben-Hur (1907)
TV Show: If Milo watched TV in modern times, it would always be the History Channel. And he would always be yelling at it for tiny errors and/or being too vague.
I believe when we die, we: are remembered by the people whose lives we made a difference in.
The greatest thing one person can do for another is: to accept them for who they are.
The ugliest thing I ever saw was: the hate in his face--he really intended to kill me back then.
The most beautiful thing I ever saw was: Atlantis restored to glory...under a wise, beautiful queen, no less.
I am superstitious about: whatever I'm supposed to be superstitious about, depending on what country I'm in! Gotta respect tradition, right?