1. Whats cool about mua? 2. What u dont like about me? 3. Somthing fun we did together? 4. What u thnk about me in a whole? 5. Somthing ud like to do with me. not sexual u pervs? 6. What i could do better? 7. Am i funny? 8. Am i hot? 9. Do u think i am nice or mean 10. Whats my fav color
1.Whats mt favorite candy? 2.Whens my birthday? 3.What is my favorite band? (i'll take a couple of answers for this one) 4.What are my sisters names? 5.Whats my middle name? 6.Whats my favorite sport? 7.what singer am i in LOVE with? 8.What actor do i think is Beautiful? 9.Whats my favorite movie? 10.Whats my favorite color?