Righto, this is generally all under a cut, by CosplayIsland doesn't put it under a cut Dx
Scary Roy is scary.
Chibi-chan is awesome 8D
"Bring it on bitch!! I'll take you on anytime!!" <3
That boosted my love for Ed by ALOT.
I've always loved him, but man he's gold now xD
Ed didn't freak when Envy called him "short", he's matured.....
*wipes tear away* I'm so proud of you, Bean.
Onii chan....
Commited suicide..... Envy leads to suicide D8, It does make sense though. And I love how he was trying to cause them all to fight against each other.
It was the only way he could be offed now.
Marcoh owned him.
He came back 8'D
Roy owned him
Time up D':
Let me sulk nao.
Alex and his shoulder... was an epic win moment 8D
Olivia actually showed marked respect for her brother.
Housewife 8D
Izumi-nee finally admitted that she actually is a licensed ass-kicker.
Umm.... where's Al? 8D