Title: Run
Summary: Chinen slowed down even further as he considered giving up.
Rating: G
Pairing: Chinen/OC
Dedicated to:
usagi_goes_pyonAuthor's Note: Ahh I decided to post the second one... They start getting a lot shorter after this though >< Please read, review, and forgive this for not being good~~ D;
Chinen panted as he lagged behind. He had entered the school marathon in hopes of impressing the girl he liked, but he had overestimated himself.
He was able to keep a good place for most of the race, but during the last stint he started getting tired, while his classmates still easily flowed ahead. Chinen slowed down even further as he considered giving up.
“Chinen-kun~ Ganbatte~~!!” Chinen looked at the crowd on the sidelines and scanned the faces until he found his girl, Hanako. She waved her arms in support, with a big smile on her face.
Seeing Hanako made Chinen’s heart warm, and suddenly his legs moved faster. His exhaustion slipped away as he raced ahead, overtaking the other competitors. Even when he passed the spot where Hanako was standing, the more and more he thought about her the faster he got, finishing in first place.
Chinen looked back at his inspiration, their eyes met and they exchanged a secret smile.