It's been a while since I've posted anything.. sooooo..
Time to post those chibi pictures of me~ :D:D
But I don't actually like these ones that much~~ ><>< The one I really like isn't on any computers, so if I ever want to post it I'd have to scan it~~ D;
Me at some kind of school assembly performance thing, which I think is something to do with why I'm wearing that ugly bandana. Still, no excuse for my weird face. D;
Me drinking.. I assume lemonade :D:D
Look how brave I am ;D Wow.. Actually I don't mind this picture~ :D:D
It's not seeming to want to post the one of me holding a daichi koala............... D; Oh well.
These are all from a place called Townsville, which is hot D;
So there... chibi me pictures~~ :D:D Maybe one day I'll post different ones~ :D:D