[ooc] State of the union!

May 03, 2010 11:38

So uh, sup!

The general feeling is the lack of want to play, and general detachment from the game. I work full-time, and because I have access to the internet/IRC/stuff a lot, I used to thread a little at work but it was always on-and-off. Recently I've been thread-droppy and I assume that that is part of the reason for my blah.

The reasons for my derp are the same reasons as always, but I've been feeling the effect of it more intensely recently, I guess? The usual being: timezones, being too tired to thread after work, taking the weekend to recharge (and so not actually... threading). It's a silly cycle, really, but the problem lies in that I'm not sure if I am bothered enough to break out of it.

I guess this is a post for... SOME KINDS OF ATTEMPTS TO FIX THIS!

Man, I love Toph. Recently I got my grubby hands on Book 3 and aaa, Toph ♥ I love Toph she is my forever girl. And I love my cast!! So even though I don't play her as much as I used to, I'm just squatting on her because she's so easy to pull out, jump other people with, and... she interacts well with others... she is mine, okay. I'm just lazy to pull her out.

How likely am I going to drop?: 2/10? The day I drop Toph will probably be the day that I drop CFUD.

Action items: Thread more???? Jump more people I used to thread with. Jump new people! I'm not really worried about her, she'll be out when she's out. (That said, whoever who wants to thread with her, LET ME KNOW.)

Larsa is... I love his character, but he is so hard to be interesting with. At least, that's my general feel when I play him, sometimes. That he's too nice and boring. It's hard to form CR that I actually care about, and I honestly have no idea what kind of people he'll play well with. Admittedly, I'm not actually giving him enough playtime to form deep meaningful relationships. When I do get them, though, I love them. Tiny emperor is high maintenance if I actually want to do something with him. His time is nigh maybe! I feel bad about this, especially since with the new cast members that I have barely threaded with. /)_(\ IT'S NOT YOU GUYS, IT'S ME.

How likely am I going to drop?: Ranges from a 4 to 8 /10, depending on my mood. I have a post or two planned with other people, though, so... at least after that? maybe?

Action items I think with Larsa, he needs to be a... little more focused. 1) Keep up and focus on his existing relationships: I have a few potential relationships that I could work on (Thor, Raidou, Marona, Dean, Flynn??, etc), and 2) hit up potentially interesting relationships. Though this is always a little difficult, because like I said, I don't actually know who plays well with Larsa. So... I guess the general solution with him is to post more. does anyone want to thread with potentially boring tiny emperor

I'm not even going to think about this one. MY STONER IS PLAYABLE, DROPPABLE, AND ... honestly I'm refusing to feel bad about anything re: Harold. I love his icons and his expressions though. Admittedly being a straight man makes him a little boring to play, but eh. Harold.
How likely am I going to drop? ... When Kumar and I decide we want to? Which may be a few months down the road? Tomorrow? Who knows?
Action items: ... I'm not actually sweating the whole "I didn't intro with him..." thing. Uhmmmm. Maybe I should post with all my characters one weekend.

So long story short: Larsa is my current problem child. I should post/thread more in general and get back to being involved in the game. Durrrhhh huhhhh

Can I have a Jumping Meme nao? SO HIT ME UP IF YOU WANT US TO JUMP EACH OTHER / IF YOU THINK THERE IS A MAGICAL THREAD/POST WAITING TO HAPPEN / or even a "hey, we haven't threaded in ages, WE SHOULD".

Let's talk. ♥

state of the union, ooc

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