oh fuck off

Aug 15, 2004 00:22

i finished my first canvas yesterday ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

yeaaaaa simplyshnurg August 27 2004, 21:21:04 UTC
im workin on a canvas myself. its terrible, of course, but its interesting to mess around with paints and stuff. i really dont do that kind of stuff very often at all, so its a nice change.

a week or two ago i went down to thayer street, saw RiSD and Brown. what a great area. artsy types and smart kids get together to create an incredible awesome college town that is providence. i wouldnt mind going to either school, hah, two very prestigious schools, brown an ivy league (i think) and RiSD one of the top art schools in the country (once again i think).

i saw a nifty movie a little while ago. i bought it on a whim because it sounded interesting and it has al pacino in it..."Dog Day Afternoon". I highly recommend it. its about a botched bank robbery and focuses on the two robbers who are holed up in the bank with the employees for nearly the entire movie. its got plenty of ironic and dry humor and great stuff. five stars (out of 5.5) on the andy scale of movie ratings.


aaaaaey ithinkimdead August 29 2004, 05:31:39 UTC
providence is probably my favorite city. I wish the planners had worked on Boston, or maybe they did and I wish they did a better job. We just went down there to wander around the other night and found out that on certain weekends in the summer they light the torches in the canal and everybody wanders around down by the water. sounds pretty nifty.

I had to go to a concert last night that was pretty darn bad. my mom likes the Corrs and they were in town. There were a few moments of hope, like when they brought out a banjo, but those moments were always crushed when they started to play. they played the banjo really soft and subdued, which really doesn't fit with instrument.

Dog Day Afternoon sounds very good, I was just reading an article on de rotting tomato. Pacino is a pretty darn cool guy.

I finished a new painting that looks pretty cool. Its a still life of some apples i arraigned on my staircase. One apple still looks two dimensional but i like the others.


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