[Series] 6 Months 58/70

Jun 17, 2010 00:39

He remembers what Yunho told him months ago.

"Break it off when it gets too much."

Changmin throws the shot back into his throat and feels his eyes burn with tears.

The bartender, a girl with a pretty face and long dark waves of hair that fall to her shoulders, approaches him. "Bad day?" she asks nicely and Changmin blinks away the fuzziness.

He sighs and wipes at his eyes pointing to his empty glass. "Another one please," he asks and thinks of Yoochun, thinks back on everything that's happened between them, the blood, the fights, the drugs and alcohol.

Maybe they aren't good for each other; maybe they aren't good for themselves.

They're driving down a road to destruction with no end in sight.

"Bad break up?" She asks nicely, pouring him another drink and Changmin frowns.

"You have no idea," he mutters and swallows it quickly, feeling the same pleasant burn running down his throat.

He wants them to be better.

And if they can't be better together, maybe they shouldn't be.

He knows he's got to do it, even if his heart doesn't want too.

He needs more liquid courage.

Changmin slams his hand on the bar, "I need another one."

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rating: r, pairing: yoochun/changmin, series: 6 months, genre: romance, genre: angst, genre: drama, length: chaptered, story type: au

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