Doctor Who

Apr 23, 2007 00:12

I am in love with Doctor Who, and this is a problem. I decided to start watching it last Wednesday, and I've watched the first two seasons of the newest series since then. I'm completely addicted, and I hate myself. Why? WHYWHYWHY WHY must I fall into the pit of fandom? Don't get me wrong, I love my fandom pit, as the years of devotion to X-Files, Buffy, and Harry Potter can prove, but I hate it for making me so lazy! All I want to do is watch Doctor Who (I almost forgot to put the word "watch" in there, and with my newly developed crush on David Tennant, that wouldn't be an untrue statement), and it's the week before finals! I almost forgot to write a paper for my French class tomorrow, and that would've brought the A down a lot. My poor laptop is suffering memory loss (well, lack thereof) when I download all five parts of an episode on youtube at once, but do I care? No! (well, a little *pets laptop*)


Okay, someone help me out here, because curiosity might kill me; why is Rose no longer on the show? Was it a creative reason, a contract reason, or something else? I hate that she's not on anymore, we started out with her and I adored her interaction with both Doctors. If someone could answer me that, could you also tell me why Christopher Eccleston was only on four one season? I'm just curious. I'd look it up myself, but this entry is already one source of procrastination for my paper, so I should stop playing around and start writing.

fandom, doctor who

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