First impressions meme for Kon Tim
Current State: Erh, honestly I have no idea. "Too content" is probably closest and he's got some projects going on but nothing fancy or even especially engaging. He misses being a Robin in Gotham. The lack of things to do within his power is frustrating if he thinks about it too long, which he's learned not to, for the most part. Did I mention Tim has strong doubts about his own existence? Haha.. yeah. It's not something he worries about overly much, but it's there.
Posts to be made: Chatpost, when I figure out a good way to word it.
OOC things: I find that Tim is constantly fluctuating between very involved and completely out of touch. I find it harder to pick him up casually these days because of that. I always feel more comfortable playing him as a plot-mover but that's hard when I randomly can't play him for months at a time. :/ Basically I hesitate to throw him into anything ever because I fear not having the chance to follow through. But he'll keep going anyway, so it's a matter of waiting until I feel like I have time to tackle him again properly. He's no fun when he's inert.
Plans for the future: He wants to help the people around him, and generally that means teaching. He has some plans for Cass, at least, and likely for Steph. :/ I'll end up waiting until after school's over to give him a revival. Yes, hit him with a camp effect again because dammit it's a running theme for me and I find it amusing!
Current State: Curious about Earth customs, probably looking up history here and there when he's bored, wondering how the heck he managed to get transported to camp still. Maybe doing dumb fashion related things out of curiosity.
Posts to be made: who knows... OH. Nailpolish! Someday...
OOC things: ;;; He's fun when I get him out, but I'm really bad about it. ;;;;; UH. I dunno, he intimidates me and I don't get many ideas for him. And... yeah. I'm... finding him kind of boring at the moment ;;; I wish I knew if he had like, a hobby or something, god. UHM. orz.
Plans for the future: I guess we'll see when school's out.
Current State: Keeping busy! Adjusting to camp! It's really not so bad of an adjustment to make after having to deal with the jump from modern Japan to Edo Japan. He's plenty busy and has lots of stuff he wants to do. He's even mostly resigned to being trapped so it's no big deal for him. There are people in Edo he regrets leaving behind without the chance to at least give them some notice but it's not something that eats at him. Basically he's having fun.
Posts to be made: No idea! Probably a cooking post somehow, at some point.
OOC things: No problems here! He's a blast to play and his voice comes easy. Threading with him is incredibly impulsive and I find he's engaging without as much thought and 'plot-moving' as Tim. It feels like I'm playing someone really straightforward, even if we don't know much about him. I end up having him out more than I probably should.
Plans for the future: Coast along on this wave of awesome for a while longer. I'll deal with stuff as it comes. Oh yeah, also, pick more fights with Bonten. And get pwned by Ginshu someday for something that was completely his own fault (again).