Dead, damned or stuck?

Apr 27, 2010 17:32

Okay! So, since I have to keep asking, here's the thing:

Kevin - this nice Southern Gentleman right here - is Kurt's Hell Hound. He can tell the difference between the Dead, the Damned, and the Stuck.

Edit: ALSO! Kurt, Kayako, and Byakuya can do this too, apparently! So, they all need to know!

So, can ya help a girl out?

Just post here, with your characters (in one post, so you don't have to change journals all the time) and tell me Dead, Damned, Stuck, or Other.

Here's the definitions (just to make sure there's no confusion):

Dead: You bought the big one in your home dimension. Kicked the bucket, bought the farm.

Damned: You either made a Deal, or you were a Bad Person, in your home dimension. Meaning, now you owe Service (at H-Mart), and when you're done, you can go home.

Stuck: You're ALIIIIIIIIIIIVE! You live! Yay! But you can't go home. You've got Issues, and cannot leave until you work them out.

Other: This is either you're a powerful being (Lucifer/Kuchiki Byakuya) or you're just hanging out, because it's a kick or your home dimension sucks ass (Josh and Bobby1), and hell is the better option.

Help? Makes my life easier and I don't have to pester all of you all the time. ;)


So, here's my people:

southernreaper - Kevin; damned. He's a Hell Hound, so yeah, Damned.
soul_scatter - Kuchiki Byakuya; Other
fireworkbubbles - Jubilee; Stuck
luna_regina - Rissa; Stuck
uowemeascream - Sabretooth; Other
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