Backed up Entries - soooorrrry

May 30, 2006 23:12

Wednesday May 24th, 2006


Man you guys...I have *so* much to do in the next day, and NO time to do it! I have to work all day tomorrow..probably 9-5...then american idol finale (sorry CANT miss it) is 8-10..i think, or 7-9..not sure. Plus I have to go through all my clothes I brought here to phoenix (and i brought like everything)...and figure out what to wear in Mexico (which also depends on my damn arm - more on that later). So i have to try everything on (which will be fun *sarcastic*), I have to get everything totally packed and ready to go, and yah - there's a ton more ...but i'm bored with listing it all.

So to my know those pictures I posted? Well, today i had bandages on it all day again, so tonight when I took them off it looked like it has been looking (really gross and like the picture) I took a wash cloth to try and clean off the chunky bits of medicine and goo (like i do every night). Well, with one gentle swipe of the wash cloth my skin just started to slide off. I about passed out right there let me tell you. It was not like a dry peeling skin like you normally have after sunburn, oh no, this was like huge chunks of slimy skin rolling off my shoulder.

Now, what I'm left with - is totally smooth, non-blistered, much better looking skin. ONLY problem being IT F'ING HURTS LIKE HELL!! It's just COMPLETELY raw unprotected new skin. It hurts worse then it did when it looked as bad as those pictures. I have to hold it in one position because every time i move it up or down or side ways, it feels like a million trillion needles stabbing me through my arm. Im dreading trying to lay down to go to sleep. This is all such horrible timing because it hurts to do everything, and i need sleep...and oy!!

Oh, how I did it. Loni and I took a ride down to Ft Huachuca Thursday morning (10am)..with the top down. I had put sun tanning lotion on to try and get a tan for mexico (yah. i know. hindsight is 20/20 right?). Well...4 hours later we realized we were burning and put the roof up. By Saturday night, I looked like I was going to lose my arm. I honestly don't understand how/why it got so bad. I have been in the sun for far longer, with no protection, i've gotten seemingly worse burns, but NONE have ever blistered and been so horrible. I guess it was probably the fact that my suntan lotion had expired :/ I didn't know that before. But yah...that's my story. Now i'm just hoping that this raw skin toughens up by thursday cuz i wont even be able to put sunscreen on it if it doesn't - and i'll be walking around mexico in a big bandage or a sweatshirt. :( :(

All i have to say, is that by thursday I am going to welcome Mexico with open arms man. It has been the dumbest week ever. I haven't even mentioned that I got attacked by bugs and that my entire legs are swollen, or that i got a cold sore and my lip is huge, or that my car door decided to break and now it doesn't even open -so when you want to drive it you have to climb in from the passenger side (not easy in my car!!). Those are just a few of the dozen 'little' things that have been making me scream all week.

1 day, 7 hours, 33 minutes - then I can begin to drift away into my most relaxing, favorite event of the year. 5 days and 4 nights with no cell phone, no worries, no work, no school, no family, no internet, no reality, and plenty of alcohol (my dad bought me a ton tonight haha)....i'm feeling better just thinking about it!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

We're back!!! ....:(

Just a blog to say we all made it home safely!


I had a great time ya'll... thanks for everything!

Anywho, everyone Keep checking back for pictures! I will do it when I can!

Unfortunately I was not able to capture many 'good' pictures because only 24 hours after getting there my camera (my GOOD one) died a sad, slow, painful, undeserved death. while attempting to save my good digital camera from being drowned by a sudden mini tsunami wave (slight exageration), I failed to realize that though I was saving it from a watery death by sea- i was simultaneously killing it myself by coating it with a sugar-filled coke which was also unfortunately being saved from the tsunami (looking back i would much prefer to throw the damn coke bottle into the ocean).

Anyways. I killed my camera. Real bad. hopefully i can get the few pictures i did take before that off my card...we'll see. I did get some good people pics though with my back-up digital, and I hope I got some good pictures with my film camera...and the video is the picture situation isn't totally bad...its just the camera's death that makes me sad. (i'm glad im crazy weird and had 2 back-up cameras!)

i'm so excited to tell you all about the trip!! But right now, i am showering - because Mexico will make you dirty lol.

OH, and my burn is okay...just saying that cuz people keep asking. i didn't get a tan, but that's okay because i'm just glad to have my arm back.

OK...adios amigos!!!
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