Following the style of
these... 20 Random Facts About Sarah
1. Sarah doesn't have nearly as many books as the people around her think she has. Most of her allowance goes into proper girly things, like make-up, clothes and decorating her room.
2. Sarah grew up thinking that her mother was a fairy princess. She was too beautiful and perfect to be of this world, so she had to be from another. This naturally meant that Sarah had to be special by association, so she liked that.
3. In fifth grade, her (first and only) boyfriend cheated on her. Sarah feels guilty that she didn't care either way.
4. Contrary to what her parents believe, Sarah loathes the MGM musical version of The Wizard of Oz. The colors are too bright, the songs too chirpy and the ending too sentimental. Until she turned twelve, every time she received merchandise for that movie as a present she'd throw at it the back of her cupboard. At twelve, she discovered the local pawn shop.
5. The Oz books, however, are a different matter.
6. Sarah thinks that all the girls at her school are idiots. She knows that they think the same of her. She suspects that they're both correct.
7. Though he's still barely tall enough to reach her waist, Sarah knows that Toby's going to grow up into a better person that she could ever be. She's proud of this, and hopes to be there to see it happen.
8. Because of this, she suspects that the special one all along was Toby, not her.
9. Sarah missed her senior prom because she'd gotten into an argument with her stepmother over the social acceptability of a girl attending a dance without an escort. The only person that Sarah would ever consider going with was Hoggle, but she doubted that he'd have a tuxedo on standby.
10. Actually, Sarah would have really liked to go with Hoggle.
11. The Man Who Fell to Earth gave her nightmares.
12. When Sarah first received Merlin, she didn't care much for him. It was only after her mother left that Sarah found dogs to be more trustworthy than people.
13. Sarah's childhood fear was the thought of someone stealing into her treasure stronghold and exposing her secrets to the world. During that time Sarah had no other loyalties (except, perhaps, to her mother), so all her childish selfishness went into protecting her secret thoughts and dreams, which were the only things that were truly hers.
14. Sarah's newest fear is that she made up all her adventures in the Labyrinth in order to block out something terrible she'd done to Toby.
15. There are many things in the world that make Sarah happy. There are big things, like Toby and her friends, and there are small things like the summer breeze lifting her hair to brush against her bare shoulders. Sarah has no idea why the majority of people around her think that a loner must be unhappy.
16. Sarah can't draw to save her life, but she keeps trying anyway. Her unicorns still look like giraffes.
17. Sarah fervently hopes that she has better talent at writing. Or acting. Or directing.
18. Of all her accesories, Sarah's favorite is a thin silver choker that fits neatly around her neck. It's the only item in her collection that really does fit her -- everything else is either slightly too big or too small. Sarah doesn't wear the choker anyway for fear that it'll get ruined by use.
19. Sarah doesn't think of Jareth at all.
20. Except when she does.