Robin actually mentioned Chrno going in his big broody post of broodiness. I didn't make a big deal of it, because you hadn't actually dropped then, but Robin wanted to acknowledge it -- he's getting better at reconciling himself to people going, but he was still sad to see Chrno go. Robin thinks of Chrno as a friend, someone who shared some difficult moments with him, and he would like to cross paths with him in the future, though he doesn't think they will. (Bat-imistic)
Kon liked Anakin, especially after the clone conversation, and his respect for the guy only increased after he and Bart gave Tim Lego StarWars for Christmas last year. If they ever cross paths again, Kon will call him 'dude.'
Well, Will is sort of worried about Natsuo and Youji's ability to behave themselves in the big outside world, so. His view of Natsuo is friendship coloured with concern coloured with a fair amount of -- almost older-brotherly instinct. He is pretty sure he'll see Natsuo again, if only because he can't imagine Natsuo and Youji not needing help at some point.
Will is actually one of the few people who kinda stays on the back of Natsuo's mind nearly all the time, along with Francescu, Soubi, and Swift. Ironically, he feels much the same about Will as Will feels about him, and worries that Will is going to do something stupid and get himself hurt at camp. On the other hand, he's not actually really convinced he'll ever see Will again.
Minagawa is -- keeping tabs on the boys in his own way, I think. Even if he doesn't know what they're up to exactly, he probably tells a fortune on their behalf every now again. Occasionally, he might consider flights to America.
Juri's a tough one! Although saying goodbye to Juri put a lot of Robin's concerns about her to rest, no one in camp has filled the particular void she left. Robin remembers her with a sort of bitter-sweet feeling. He doesn't let himself dwell though, because remembering Juri reminds him of how far she came in camp -- and he feels that if he doesn't do the same thing and keep on going, he's not living up to her promise.
Little brother Robin never had. Again, no one's come along to fit the Mac spot in Robin's life at camp, and Robin is secretly glad that Cabin One is full to bursting, because it makes Mac and Bloo's absence less noticeable. He's ... not as reassured about the two of you leaving as he has been about other people because he didn't get to say goodbye ( I don't think -- my memory sucks) so he's more than a little concerned -- but thinks it's a good thing that Mac got to leave camp.
I'm trying to remember which of my dropped characters hung out with yours, but it's hard, so I'm listing my dropped characters and you can do as much or as little as you want with them:
Anne, 3PO, Anya, Hawkeye, George Michael, Kagura Sohma, Spider-Man, Tiffany
When Kon occasionally thinks about Anne it's in a 'Man, she should be here to help me tease Cal way.' Even though they didn't really, in Kon's mind, that's what they did. He associates Anne with way back when camp was smaller, simpler, and the biggest issue in his life was working out if Buffy liked liked him or *liked* liked him.
3PO still owes him a coffee.
Kon doesn't really get what is so cool about Spiderman, but studying has been so much less fun since Peter left. Kon misses him a lot -- he made science seem cool, and math important, and Kon's suspicion that being smart might not be a bad thing is all Peter.
Comments 34
Kon liked Anakin, especially after the clone conversation, and his respect for the guy only increased after he and Bart gave Tim Lego StarWars for Christmas last year. If they ever cross paths again, Kon will call him 'dude.'
Will is actually one of the few people who kinda stays on the back of Natsuo's mind nearly all the time, along with Francescu, Soubi, and Swift. Ironically, he feels much the same about Will as Will feels about him, and worries that Will is going to do something stupid and get himself hurt at camp. On the other hand, he's not actually really convinced he'll ever see Will again.
Little brother Robin never had. Again, no one's come along to fit the Mac spot in Robin's life at camp, and Robin is secretly glad that Cabin One is full to bursting, because it makes Mac and Bloo's absence less noticeable. He's ... not as reassured about the two of you leaving as he has been about other people because he didn't get to say goodbye ( I don't think -- my memory sucks) so he's more than a little concerned -- but thinks it's a good thing that Mac got to leave camp.
Anne, 3PO, Anya, Hawkeye, George Michael, Kagura Sohma, Spider-Man, Tiffany
...I really hope that's all of them
3PO still owes him a coffee.
Kon doesn't really get what is so cool about Spiderman, but studying has been so much less fun since Peter left. Kon misses him a lot -- he made science seem cool, and math important, and Kon's suspicion that being smart might not be a bad thing is all Peter.
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