I wrote another poem today. Well actually, it was more a case of late night/early morning inspirations, but I digress...
You’re jaded
Elastic as the string
I played with
Embraced like the day
I made you King
Then threw you away
Call me wicked
Call me your Cinderella
I don’t even know you
I don’t even care
These dreams are paper plastic
Faded and wearing thin
Whenever you’re around
This is what you do to me
Like a tin soldier
So worthless
You push and pull me in
But look at her strings they’re broken
Look at her hands they’re torn
Look at her eyes so closed in fear
And her little dress so worn
‘All I ever wanted
Call me selfish if you may…
Was a rubber band companion
To keep me warm
To call my own
And brighten up my day’
But now I’m jaded
I can’t see for the string
Hanging tight
It is caressing
Never forgetting
This kiss around my neck
Is the ring of prior engagement
To which death, I shall thee wed
But look at her strings they’re broken
Look at her hands, they’re torn
Look at her eyes so closed in fear
And her little dress so worn
You take me by my heart
When you wrap me around a lie
Nothing could be easier
Than wanting, so desperately believing
That it is better to die
There’s truth in salvation
But wise men need no answers
Perhaps it is, as you believe
The prodigy of the nation
Who suffer in their search
For understanding
And lust in their commanding
; last orders,
like the last ball dance
from which these strings
were snapped, the slipper a symbol
of lust for you,
that I could never match…
But look at her strings they’re broken
Look at her hands, they’re torn
Look at her eyes so closed in fear
And her little dress so worn
She sits
A former shadow of herself
Praying for forgiveness
Begging for remorse
For what she did not do;
Satisfy you, of course.
Just like elastic
You shall snap
A worthless piece of clay
Not a King
Not a Pauper
Since I took your heart away
No tin soldier am I
Bruised and in decay
But a rubber band toy
Strong and stretchy
Trusty and hardy
I will last all day
The little dolly cried;
‘My dreams may be destroyed
My body in bits
You can take my legs, my arms,
My eyes, ears and nose
But you can not steal my soul
I’m as honest as any true
Person knows’
The string around her neck now wire
Ready for the final pull
And to wave farewell
To life, in a last act of
Trial and tribulation
She did respond in the only way
She knew best;
With a kiss for her lover
And a gash across her chest
Now joined in peace
With death
She’s dancing all night long
On floors of marble
She sings her song
She cries;
‘All I ever wanted
call me selfish if you may
was a rubber band companion
to keep me warm
and call my own,
to brighten up my day’
For there she sits
Strangers swapping sighs
For stunted whispers as
They go by...
But look at her strings they’re broken
Look at her hands they’re torn
Surely she can’t be happy
In a little dress so worn?
By Anna C.J 3/4/05
I would also like to say that I am sorry for the lack of updates/comments on here, but I've been absolutely snowed under with work from all angles. On Friday night after coming in from work, I had an English essay to write which I did, with no problem. But then I had an Ethics essay to write yesterday, which although it is now done, is not over because I still have another of the damn things to write today! Grrr. Also, I have my English Language coursework to finish off,even though it's nearly done...it just seems like a lot has been going on lately and there hasn't been enough time to do it. So I've had to get my priorites sorted out. That and I watched Doctor Who last night and loved it. Plus I've decided to start or at least *try* to write some music...which may be difficult for me as poetry is more my forte but there's no harm in trying, right? A friend told me last night that he didn't believe me when I said 'I was shy' or that I couldn't possibly perform. Maybe he's right. I'll never know unless I try. But I also know that I don't have the best voice,but maybe I could develop it never the less to a particular effect. I know I'm no Whitney or Mariah (thank goodness) but there would be no harm in practising for spoken word perhaps. Hmmm.
Either way, please leave comments on the poem, whether good or bad I don't mind.