Title: The One Where Tony's Screwed (Oh so very Screwed...)
mad_jaksCharacters: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Genre: Snippet, pre-slash
Rating: PG13
donutsweeper's: Gibbs/DiNozzo where one is under the influence of something and acting on their hidden, squashed down feelings...
Summary: Gibbs is an idiot in a moustache
Notes: She's *evil* - I tell you pure unadulterated *evil* Tidied up but not perfectified.
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money
Word Count: 840
The One Where Tony's Screwed (Oh so very Screwed...)
It was hot outside - not like the stifling heat inside the club - but hot, all the same. It had been real busy in there tonight but still their guy hadn't showed. Damn him. Tony leant against the nearest wall and plucked at the strategically slashed and studded vest he was wearing, pulling it away from his chest.
Four nights in a row - he wasn't sure he could make it to the end of the week at this rate. He didn't know how Gibbs kept up. Okay, so the guy had the kind of stamina that meant he could survive for weeks on caffiene and fresh air - but clubbing? It was worrying how easily Gibbs had slotted into his role, though the moustache he'd recently grown in had probably given him a head start.
Further up the alley - somewhere beyond the line of dumpsters - a whole bunch of guys were hard at work keeping the party going. In his experience there were always dumpsters and always guys making out with other guys just beyond them. It was like there was some kind of rule or something. It didn't matter how many back rooms the club they'd just left had or how lax the rules were about sucking your dance partner off 'right there' on the dance floor. Walk outside any gay bar, anywhere, and there'd be men propping up the walls and getting their *it* on with other guys. Often it was even the same guys.
Tony took a chug of water from the bottle he'd been nursing all night, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, tipped his head back against the brick, and began to count.
...ninety-nine, one hundred. And still no sign of Gibbs.
Pushing himself upright Tony shook his hands out of his pockets and scowled hard at yet another hopeful - way too skinny in his opinion - buzz cut manchild with more tattoos than definition till he backed off. Heading back up the alley he hadn't gotten more than ten steps when Gibbs reeled out through the doors in front of him and all but collapsed into his arms.
The DiNozzo Guide to Gibbs (pencil edition for ease of updates) entry number seventeen clearly states: Do NOT take Gibbs to a hospital if you value your life. Unless he has a bullet in is shoulder. In fact, don't even consider taking him even if he *does* have a bullet in his shoulder, until after the case has been closed.
Getting Gibbs back to the car had been a scarily simple affair involving a combination of brute force and ordering his boss to put one foot in front of the other all the while with Gibbs arm slung round his shoulders and not a headslap in sight. Which was worrying in ways that Tony wasn't ready to think about right then.
“You okay Boss?” Tony took his eyes off the road and removed one hand from the wheel long enough to shake Gibbs by the shoulder. “Hey, Boss!” he snarled, anxiously, shaking Gibbs harder. “Open your eyes when I'm talking to you!”
One blue eye winked open and glared at him balefully and Tony eased his foot from off the brake (where he hadn't even known it was) and put it back on the gas.
“Did you take something?”
Gibbs peeled open his other eye and blank walled the question with a stony faced silence. Better men than he would have known to stop talking right about now but - Gibbs or not - Tony wasn't entirely sure the man sitting across from him even knew what planet he was on.
“Back at the bar...” Tony enunciated slowly. “Did. You. Take ANYTHING?”
“No need to shout Tony. I'm not deaf! Just slightly stoned.”
“We're undercover aren't we?”
Tony wasn't going to look to see if that was the pout it had sounded like. This wasn't happening. Not. Happening. Lalala sang the voice inside his head. “And?” he said out loud - he was far too young yet, to have a work related coronary.
“Accidents happen. Just... “ Gibbs flapped a hand, vaguely. “Take me home. I'll be fine.”
“Oh my god, I'm totally screwed.”
“In that outfit? I shouldn't be surprised. You look-” Gibbs paused (Afterwards, Tony could never be sure if it had been for effect or just to make sure he had his full attention.) “-'hot'.” Gibbs wrapped the word in a twist of smile and finished off the gift wrap deal with a well aimed eyebrow raise that had Tony fighting a sudden urge to slam his foot on the brake so as not to put Gibbs straight through the windshield. On the one hand it would give him a reason to ring for an ambulance, on the other if he did that he probably wouldn't have any kind of career left after.
“Please, tell me you did not just say that!” He hadn't blushed in years - years - dammit.
Gibbs smirked, his eyes rolling closed again. “I didn't just say that.”
“Thank you.”
“Doesn't mean I didn't mean it though...”
Cross posted to
ncisfanfic and
gibbsbasementNow with added prequel
The One where Gibbs Gets Stoned (Just ever so slightly Stoned)